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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

1More M.S., 2Wagh V.D , 3Koshire S.

1.Professor/HOD, Department of Panchakarma, S.S.A.M.  College ,Nashik

2,3. PG Scholar, Department of Panchakarma, S.S.A.M.  College ,Nashik


Basti” is the boon for the Panchakarma Practioners due to its remarkable results .It gives significant results in many complicated diseases. So it proves procedure of choice for many practioners. Traditional method was described in Ayurvedic texts which is called as “Basti-pranidhan vidhi”[1] .But in present era many advances are done for the administration of Basti. The aim of this study was to compare between most commonly used methods.

Method A:. Basti-Putak (Traditional Method)     Method B:Enema-Pot  (Recent Method)

For the present study, Lekhan - basti was given to the patient by using above Methods and observations were taken by monitoring daily Basti- patrak and Assessment sheet.(To avoid ekantik prayog of Lekhan-basti ,Matra basti was administerd on 3rd and 5th  day after pratyagam of Lekhan-Basti)[2].

The main outcome measures are Basti-dan Kala ,Dharan- kala, Samyak-basti-laxanas.[3]

Also patients of Sthoulya were selected and assessed subjectively and objectively.The conclusion of this study was that Traditional Method  is more efficacious than Recent Method


1.    Charaksamhita Sidhisthan ,edited by Pandit Kashinath Shastri and Dr.Gorakhanath Chaturvedi,2002,Published by Choukhamba Bharati Academy,Varanasi,Sholk 3/17-19.

2.   Charaksamhita Sidhisthan ,edited by Pandit Kashinath Shastri and Dr.Gorakhanath Chaturvedi,2002,Published by Choukhamba Bharati Academy,Varanasi,Sholk 1/25.

3.   Charaksamhita Sidhisthan ,edited by Pandit Kashinath Shastri and Dr.Gorakhanath Chaturvedi,2002,Published by Choukhamba Bharati Academy,Varanasi,Sholk 3/41.

4. Sushrut Samhita Chikisasthan,edited by Vd. Ananataram Sharma,2004,Published by Choukhamba Surabharati prakashan,Varanasi,Shlok 38/18.

5.    Charaksamhita Sidhisthan ,edited by Pandit Kashinath Shastri and Dr.Gorakhanath Chaturvedi,2002,Published by Choukhamba Bharati Academy,Varanasi,Sholk 1/47-48.

6.     Ayurvediya Panchakarma Vidnyan ,edited by Vd.Haridas Kasture,1999,Published by Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Ltd.,Chapter no.6,page no.405.

7.     Ayurvediya Panchakarma Vidnyan ,edited by Vd.Haridas Kasture,1999,Published by Baidyanath Ayurved Bhavan Ltd.,Chapter no.6,page no.396.


8. Sushrut Samhita Chikisasthan,edited by Vd. Ananataram Sharma,2004,Published by Choukhamba Surabharati prakashan,Varanasi,Shlok 38/5

IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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