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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

Dr.Prasanna V.Savanur

Professor & Head, Department of P.G.Studies in Dravyaguna. KLEU’s Shri B M Kankanawadi Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya Belagavi


Ayurveda is the art and science of life. It is one of our richest heritage gifted to us by our ancestors. In modern scientific era, pharmacognostical, phytochemical, experimental and statistical validation plays an important role in acceptance of medicines. To screen their phyto constituents  an attempt was made Usheera Moola Vetiveria zizanioides (Linn) Nash.

Phytochemical study , extract of Vetiveria zizanioides  (Linn) Nash done using benzene as solvent. Then some part of extract was used for preliminary phytochemical tests. Positive results were seen for sterols, protien, carbohydrate, alkaliods, saponins, tannins and flavoniod, indicating the presence of their respective chemical compounds

Keywords- Usheera, Phytochemical, Vetiveria zizanioides  (Linn) Nash


1.      Bisagacarya. girindranath. mukhopadhyaya, History of Indian medicine, New Delhi: munishiram manoharlal publishers pvt ltd, 1994: volI, 155pp.

2.      Bisagacarya. girindranath. mukhopadhyaya, History of indian medicine, New Delhi: munishiram manoharlal publishers pvt ltd,1994: vol III,  496-499pp.

3.      Shastri. Kashinath,Chaturvedi. Gorakhanath, Shastri. Satyanarayana, Vidyotini Hindi commentary, Charaka Samhita of Agnivash part I, 21st ed., Varansi: chaukhambha Bharati Academy, 1995: 64, 83, 78pp.

4.      Acharya. Yadavaji. Trikamaji, Dalhanacharya commentary, Susruta Samhita,        7th ed., Varanasi: Chaukhambha Orientalia, 2002: 167, 725pp.  

5.      Vaidya Bhisagachaya. Paradakara. Harishastri, Kunte. A. M, Navare. Shastri. Krishna. Ramachandra, Arunadatta and Hemadri commentaries, Astangahridayam of Vagbhata, 9th ed., Varanasi: Chaukhabbha orientalia, Reprint 2005: 50,128,941pp.

6.      Tripathi. Indradeo, Dravyagunaprakashika hindi commentary,Rajanighantu of         pandit narahari,  2nd ed., Varanasi: Krishnadas accademy oriental publishers, 1998: 427pp.

7.      Sharma. P.V, Dhanvantari Nighantu, 2nd ed., varanasi:  Chaukhamba orienalia, 1998: 93pp.

8.      Sharma. P.V, ADMA Hindi commentary, priya Nighantu,  2nd ed., varanasi:       Chaukhambha surabharati prakashan, 1995:82pp.

9.      Guruprasad, Kaiyadeva Nighantu, 1st ed., varanasi: Chaukhambha orientalia, 1979: 254pp.

10.  Chunekar. K. C, Bhavaprakasha nighantu,1st ed., Varanasi: Chaukhambha         vishwabharati oriental publisher and distributors, 1995: 239pp.

11.  Kirtikar and Basu, Indian medicinal plants, 3rd ed., Delhi: Sri Satguru publications, 2000: 3699 pp.

12.  Kokate. C.K,  purohit. A.P,  Gokhale, S.B, phrmacognosy, 10th ed., pune: D.K. Furia, Nirali prakashan, 1998: 319-320pp:

13.  Kokate. C.K,  purohit. A.P,  Gokhale. S.B, phrmacognosy, 10th ed., pune; D.K. Furia, Nirali prakashan, 1998: 319-320pp

14.  Williams. m.m, Sanaskirt -English Dictionary, 1st ed., Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass publishers PVT-LTD, reprint 1990;219pp.

15.  Lale. Sanjeev kumar, Aushadh namarupa vijnanam, volI, 1st ed., Indore: Mr. Hemraj Lale published 2003: 52pp

16.  Kirtikar and Basu, Indian medicinal plants, 3rd ed., delhi: Sri satguru publications 2000: 3699pp

17.  Tripathi.Indrade, Dravyaguna prakashika hindi commentary, Rajanighantu of pandit narahari, 2nd ed., Varanasi: Krishnadas accademy oriental publishers, 1998: 427pp.

18.  Sharma. P.V, Dhanvantari Nighantu, 2nd ed., varanasi: Chaukhambha orientalia, 1998: 93pp.

19.  Guruprasad, Kaiyadeva Nighantu, 1st ed., varanasi: Chaukhambha orientalia, 1979: 254pp.

20.  Sharma. P.V, ADMA Hindi commentary Priya Nighantu, 2nd ed., varanasi:       chaukhambha surabharati prakashan, 1995:82pp.

21.  Chunekar. K. C, Bhavaprakasha nighantu,1st ed., Varanasi: Chaukhambha       vishwabharati oriental publisher and distributors, 1995: 239pp.

22.  Sharma. P.V, Dravyaguna vignana,   Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, reprint 1998, vol II, 114pp.

23.  Gogte . V. M, Ayurvedic pharmacology and therapeutic uses of medicinal plants, 1st ed., Mumbai: Bharatiya Vidya Bhavana, 2000: 319-320pp.

24.  Nadakarni. K. M. Indian materia medica, Mumbai:Popular prakashana private       limited,1999, VolI, 109pp.

25.  Gogte. V. M, Ayurvedic pharmacology and therapeutic uses of medicinal plants, 1sted., Mumbai: Bharatiya vidya Bhavana, 2000: 319-320pp.

26.  Yoganarasimhan. S. N, Medicinal plants of India, Bangalore: Interline publishing private Lim, 497pp.

27.  Kokate, C.K.  purohit A.P.  Gokhale, S.B. phrmacognosy, 10th ed., pune; D.K. Furia, Nirali prakashan, 1998:319-320pp..

28.  Rastogi. Ram. P, Compendium of Indian medicinal plants, 2nd ed., Lucknow:     Central drug research institute, New Delhi: National Institute of Science      Communication, reprint 1999: VolI, 425pp.

29.  Rastogi. Ram. P, Compendium of Indian medicinal plants, 2nd ed., Lucknow:      Central drug research institute, New Delhi; National Institute of Science       Communication, reprint 1999: Vol III, 670pp.

30.  Sukla. Priti,  Misra. Sheetal. P. An introduction to taxonomy of Angiosperms, New Delhi: Vikas publishing house PVT LTD, Reprint 2003: 518pp.

31.  the wealth of India, New Delhi: National institute of science communication, Reprint 1998:Vol X, 451pp.

32.  Sukla. Priti,  Misra. Sheetal. P, An introduction to taxonomy of Angiosperms, New Delhi: Vikas publishing house PVT LTD, Reprint 2003: 518pp.

33.  Pandey. B. P, A text book of Botany angiosperms, 1st ed., New Delhi: S. Chand and company Ltd, Reprint 2004: 381pp. Pandey. B. P. A text book of Botany angiosperms, 1st ed., New Delhi: S. Chand and company Ltd, Reprint 2004: 381pp.

34.  Datta. A. C, Botany book for degree students, 6th ed., New Delhi; Oxford university press, 2002: 603pp.

35.  Satoskar. R. S, Bhandarkar. S.D, Ainapure. S. S, Pharmacology and      pharmacotherapeutics, 14th ed., Bombay:Popular prakashana Ltd, 1995:(vol I), 492pp.

36.  Tripathi. K. D, Essentials of medical parmacology, 5th ed., New Delhi: Jaypee      brothers medical publishers (p) LTD, 2004: 525pp.

37.  Jansen. David, The principles of physiology, New York: Application century croft, a publishing division of prentice Hall Inc, 1976: 767pp.

38.  Tripathi. K. D, Essentials of medical parmacology, 5th ed., New Delhi: Jaypee       brothers medical publishers (p) LTD, 2004: 525pp.

39.  Sharma.P.V.Dravyagunavijnana,Varanasi: Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Reprint 1998: 301-302pp.

40.  Gokhale. S. B, Pharmacognosy, 6th ed., Pune: Nirali prakashan, 2002: 204-205pp.

41.  Guyton. Arthur.c, Text book of medical physiology, 9th ed., Noida: Harcourt Asia  PTE LTD Reprint 1999: 317pp.

42.  Satoskar. R. S, Bhandarkar S.D, Ainapure. S. S, Pharmacology and pharmacotherapeutics, 14th ed., Popular prakashana Ltd, 1995:(vol I), 484, 499-500pp.


43.  Mukgargee. Pulok, Quality control of herbal drugs, 1st ., New Delhi: Business horizons G-59, 2002: 536-537pp.

IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

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