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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

Danapur Vijay*1 , Iddalagi Sana2

1,2 Vriksha Vijnan Private Limited, 31/2, SSB Complex, Subramanyapura Main Road Bengaluru, Karnataka, India

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.47191/ijahm/v14i4.04

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ABSTRACT: : Cannabis sativa belongs to the family Cannabinaceae and has notable medicinal properties as it is used as for psychoactive effects. Cannabis which contains CBD and THC exhibits a range of potential therapeutic benefits, including anti-inflammatory, analgesic, anxiolytic and neuroprotective properties. Methanolic extracts of Cannabis sativa were obtained through reflux extraction to perform further experiments. Various experimental tests were carried out to understand the physicochemical, fluorescence properties of Cannabis sativa. HPTLC and phytochemical profiles were also obtained. Preliminary phytochemical analysis showed the presence of alkaloids, flavonoids, Tannins, Phenols and steroids. Microscopy of the sample powder showed the presence of starch, stigma shaped papillae and Calcium oxalate crystals. HPTLC profiling showed 9 bands of a pattern unique to Cannabis sativa. The Cannabis sativa showed antidiabetic and anti oxidant activity when bioautography was done.

KEYWORDS: Cannabis sativa, Physicochemical evaluation, Phytochemical HPTLC profiling, Microscopical evaluation Bioautography

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

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