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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

1Dr. Amrutha D C ,2Dr. Anand Katti

 DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.47191/ijahm/v12i1.03

 1 PG Scholar Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Dhanvantari Road, Bangalore -560009

2Associate Professor  Government Ayurvedic Medical College, Dhanvantari Road, Bengalore -560009

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In the pyramid of research evidence, systematic reviews attain second place only after meta-analysis. Research itself is nascent in Ayurveda. Therefore, there is not much scope for systematic review and meta-analysis in Ayurveda. However, for the progress of Ayurveda systematic reviews on already conducted research is important. In this background present study was aimed at systematically reviewing and analyzing researches carried out in the field of Ayurveda where in nebulization is one of the interventions. Tamaka shwasa is one among major disease explained in Ayurveda is caused due to vitiation of kapha and vata. In classical context different treatment modalities has been explained. Among these, the administration of drug through nasal as Nasya  and using the drug in the form of fumes as Dhumapana. Present day the management of same is done by Nebulization, so there is a need for the assessment of new drug molecule as a treatment. Various research databases were used to obtain the required literature.  References and details regarding Nebulization in Ayurveda were collected from various published research papers and previous works done. After screening and diligently going through these databases, 10 research works are obtained. The present article discusses the utility and merit of these 10 researches.   

Key word: - Tamaka shwasa, Nebulization, Arka, Bronchial asthma, A systematic review in Ayurveda


  1. Kajariaa D, DS M. Clinical Evaluation of Role of ‘Herbal Nebulizer’ In the Management og Bronchial Asthma W.S.R To Tamaka- Shwasa. Journal of Ayurveda Apr-Jun 2010; 4(2): 27-36.
  2. Kajaria D, Tripathi J. Anti-asthmatic effect of shirishadi compound through nasal spray actuation. Ayu jul-sep 2014; 35(3):261-9.
  3. Pujari S, KV M. Role of Dhumapana (Nebulization) and pana with Ardraka arka in the management of Tamaka shwasa. An International Journal of Research in AYUSH and allied systems 2014; 1 (1): 43-9.
  4. Joy Parayil C, Adiga M. Efficacy of Bharangimoola arka Nebulization in Tamaka shwasa (Acute exacerbation of Bronchial asthma) – A case series study. J Res Educ Indian Med, 2015; ??(??): 101-6.
  5. Chandran M, Shetty S. Tulsi arka Nebulization – An instant management in vegavastha of Tamaka shwasa. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal September 2017; 5(9):3241-50.
  6. R T, Hegde G. A clinical study to evaluate the combined efficacy of Nebulization with bharangi arka and oral administration of Ardraka, Nagavalli and Vasa swarasa in the management of vegakalina Tamaka shwasa VIS-À-VIS exacerbation of Bronchial asthma.International Ayurvedic Medical Journal, March -2019; 7(3):365-372.
  7. Adiga M, Rao N P. Comparative clinical trial of bharangimoola arka and salbutamol Nebulization in Tamaka shwasa (Acute exacerbation of Bronchial asthma) – A case series study. ijrap.net, 2019; 10(1): 90-4.
  8. D A, AK M. Nebulization with Haridra arka versus metered dose inhaler in Acute exacerbation of Bronchial asthma: An open label, non-randomized, non-inferiority trial. ijrap.net, 2020; 11(4): 40-4.
  9. Purushothaman G. A comparative clinical study on the efficacy of bharangimoola arka and tamboolapatra arka for Nebulization in the management of Tamaka shwasa in children. RGUHS 2018.
  10. Joshi R V, BJ P. A comparative pharmaceutico-pharmaco-clinical study of formulations of Tulsi pills, Tulsi arka and Tulsi aerosol on tamakashwasa. AYU 2007; 28(1&2): 23-6.
  11. Munishwar N, Bramhankar R. Role of Karpuradi arka as a new dosage form in the management of Tamaka shwasa wsr to Bronchial asthma: A case study. jahm.in, July-aug 2019; 7(4): 74-9.
  12. Acharya YT, editor, Charaka Samhita of Agnivesha elaborated by Charaka and Drdhabala with Ayurveda Dipika commentary by Sri Chakrapanidatta, chikitsasthana 17th chapter 68-69th verse, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati Prakashan, 2014, pn. 536.

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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