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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

1Dr.Asha.S. , 2Dr.Maheshwar.T

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v9i4.03

   1Research Officer(Ay), Dr.A.Lakshmipathi Research Centre for Ayurveda,Chennai.

2Assistant Director In- Charge, Dr.A.Lakshmipathi Research Centre for Ayurveda,Chennai.


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Complementary feeding(commonly known as weaning) means gradual introduction of foods to baby other than breast milk when breast milk alone is insufficient to meet the nutritional requirements. This systematic transition from breastfeeding to complementary foods normally extends from 6 months to 2 years and is considered as a very vulnerable period. Proper complementary feeding is a major intervention in reducing under five mortality rate especially in developing countries. The guidelines for infant feeding mentioned in Ayurveda are on par with the modern infant nutrition practices. Phalaprasana and Annaprasana which marks the ceremonial introduction of fruits and cereals are mentioned in Ayurvedic classics along with various complementary foods and nutritional supplements which can provide enough energy and nutrients to meet the requirements of the rapid growing child. Breastfeeding should be continued up to 2 years along with the complementary foods. An attempt has been made to combine various descriptions about complementary feeding from classical Ayurvedic text books and to interpret them in the light of scientific studies and knowledge.

Keywords: Ayurveda, infant nutrition, complementary feeding, sthanya apanayana,phalaprasana, annaprasana.


1.      Agnivesa, CharakaSamhita,edited and translated by Prof.P.V.Sharma, Chaukamabha publications, Sutra sthana ,chapter 11, verse 35.

2.      P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, suthra sthana, chapter 18, verse 24-25.

3.      P.V.Tiwari, Kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, Khila sthana, chapter 4, verse 6.

4.      P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, Khila sthana, chapter 4, verse 11-12.

5.      OP Ghai, Vinod K Paul, Arvind Bagga, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, 8th edition, New Delhi; CBS Publishers &Distributers; Chapter 6, p.96.

6.      UNICEF, programming guide- Infant and young child feeding, June 2012, Nutrition section programme, UNICEF New York, Page. No 3.

7.      P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, suthra sthana, chapter 18, verse 6-8.

8.      OP Ghai, Vinod K Paul, Arvind Bagga, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, 8th edition, New Delhi; CBS Publishers &Distributers; Chapter 6, p.90.

9.      Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridaya, Kaviraja Atridev Gupta(Commentator),Vaidya Yadunandan

10.  Upadhyaya(Ed.), Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,Fourteenth Edition, 2003, Uttara Sthana, chapter1,verse 15.

11.  OP Ghai, Vinod K Paul, Arvind Bagga, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, 8th edition, New Delhi; CBS Publishers &Distributers; Chapter 6, p.91.

12.  Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridaya, Kaviraja Atridev Gupta(Commentator),Vaidya Yadunandan Upadhyaya(Ed.), Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,Fourteenth Edition, 2003, Uttara Sthana, chapter 2,verse 1.

13.  P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, Khila sthana, chapter 12, verse 15.

14.  Vijayalaxmi Mallanavar, Shailaja U, Ashwin Kumar Bharati. Review on complementary feeds: A step towards infant nutrition. Int. J. Res. AyurvedaPharm. 2014;5(6):638-641http://dx.doi.org/10.7897/227

15.  Review article: Status of complementary feeding practices of infants and young children(0-23 months ) in India, Urvashiu Mehlavat et al, Index Copernicus International, January- March 2018, Volume 7.1, page No 41

16.  15.WHO- Pan AmericanHealth Organisation, Division of Health promotion and protection, Food and Nutrition Program, Guiding Principles for complementary feeding of the breastfed child, Page No 18

OP Ghai, Vinod K Paul, Arvind Bagga, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, 8th edition, New Delhi; CBS Publishers &Distributers; Chapter 6, p.95.

17.  P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, Khila sthana, chapter 12, verse 22.

18.  OP Ghai, Vinod K Paul, Arvind Bagga, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, 8th edition, New Delhi; CBS Publishers &Distributers; Chapter 6, p.95.

19.  P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, Khila sthana, chapter 12, verse 18.

20.  OP Ghai, Vinod K Paul, Arvind Bagga, Ghai Essential Pediatrics, 8th edition, New Delhi; CBS Publishers &Distributers; Chapter 6, p.95.

21.  P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, Khila sthana, chapter 12, verse 23.

22.  Dr.Dinesh K.S, Kaumarabrtya updated, fifth edition 2008, New Delhi; Chaukamba Publications; Pg109.

23.  P.V.Tiwari, kashyapa Samhitha English translation, Chakhambha visvabharati,Varanasi, Reprint 2002, Khila sthana, chapter 12, verse 19-21

Vagbhata, Ashtanga Hridaya, Kaviraja Atridev Gupta(Commentator),Vaidya Yadunandan Upadhyaya(Ed.), Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi,Fourteenth Edition, 2003, Uttara Sthana, chapter1,verse 39,40.


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DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

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