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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

Garai Saraswati

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.31142/ijahm/v9i3.02

Organic and Medicinal Chemistry Division , CSIR-Indian Institute of Chemical Biology

4 Raja S.C.Mullick Road, Jadavpur, Kolkata-700032 India


Fax No. 91-33-2473-5197/2414-9475

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Triterpenoid saponins isolated and characterized from various sources are reviewed. The recent techniques used in their isolation and structure elucidation are discussed. A compilation of the triterpenoid saponins isolated during the period 2013-2016 along with their occurrence, available physical data and spectroscopy used for their characterization is included. The biological activities and corrosion inhibition of the triterpenoid saponins are also discussed.



1.      Garai, S. Advances in Triterpenoid Saponins Research 2007-2012. J.Herbal Medicine 2016; 2(3): 1-23.

2.      Colorado J, Munoz D, Marquez D, Elena Marquez M, Lopez J. Thomas OP, Martinez A et al. Ulososides and Urabosides-Triterpenoid Saponins from the Caribbean Marine Sponge Ectyoplasia ferox. Molecules 2013; 18: 2598-2610, doi 10.3390/molecules 18032598.

3.      Hamed AI, Masullo M, Pecia L, Gallotta D, Mahalel VA, Pawelec S, Stochmal A, Piacente S et al. Unusual Fernane and Gammacerane Glycosides from the Aerial Parts of spergula fallex. J. Nat. prod 2014; 77: 657-682. 

4.      Song, W., Si, L., Ji, S., Wang, H., Fang, XM., Yu, LY., Li, RY., Liang, LN., Zhou, D., Ye, M et al. Uralsaponins M-Y, Antiviral Triterpenoid Saponins from the Roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis. J.Nat.Prod. 2014; 77: 1632-1643.

5.      Gupta VK, Kaur C, Simlai A, Roy A. Antimicrobial activity of  Pavetta indica leaves. J.Appl.Pharm.Sci.2013;  3(): 78-82.

6.      Boukhira S, Balouiri M, Mansouri LE, Youbi AEHE, Bouarfa M, Lebtar S, Ouhammou A, Bousta D et al. J. Appl.Pharm.Sci 2017; 7(): 142-148.

7.      Shinobu-Mesquita CS, Bonfim-Mendonca PS, Moreira AL, Ferreira ICP, Donatti L, Fiorini A, Svidzinski TIE et al. Cellular Structural changes in Candida albicans caused by the Hydroalcoholic Extract from Sapindus saponaria L. Molecules 2015; 20(): 9405-9418 doi: 10.3390/molecules 20099405.

8.      Naidu GK, Naidu KCS, Sujatha B. In Vitro Antibacterial Activity and Phytochemical Analysis of Leaves of Gymnema sylvestre Retz. R.Br. Int.J.Pharm Tech Res 2013;  5: 1315-1320.

9.      Pawer SS, Jadhav MG, Deokar TG. Study of Phytochemical Screening, Physicochemical analysis and Antimicrobial Activity of Bacopa monnieri (L) Extracts. Int J.Pharm.Clin.Res 2016; 8(): 1222-1299.

10.  Akintobi OA, Nwanze JC, Ogele JO, Idowa AA, Onianwa O, Okonko IO. Antimicrobial Activity of Allium sativum (Garlic) Extract against Some Selected Pathogenic Bacteria. Nature and Science 2013; 11(): 1-5.

11.  Gupta A, Mahajan S, Sharma R. Evaluation of antimicrobial activity of Curcuma longa rhizome extract against Staphylococcus aureses and Their Biofilms. Pathogens 2015;  3(): 473-498.

12.  Xu MY, Lee SY, Kang SS, Kim YS. Antitumor Activity of Jujuboside B and the Underlying Mechanism via Induction of Apoptosis and Autophagy. J.Nat.Prod. 2014; 77(): 370-376.

13.  Vuong QV, Hirun S, Chuen TLK, Goldsmith CD, Murchie S, Bowyer MC, Phillips PA, Scarlett CJ et al. Antioxidant and anticancer capacity of saponin-enriched Carica papaya leaf extracts. Food Sci.Technol 2015; 50(): 169-177.

14.  Ashraf MF, Aziz MA, Stanslas J, Ismailo I, Kadir MA. Assessment of Antioxidant and Cytotoxicity Activities of Saponin and Crude Extracts of Chlorophytum borivilianum. The Scientific World Journal   2013; doi.org/10.1155/2013/2013/216894.

15.  Alli Smith, YR   , Adanlawo, IG. In vitro and in vivo antioxidant activity of saponin extracted from the root of Garcinia kola (Bitter kola) on Alloxan-induced diabetic rats. World J. Pharm. Sci 2014;  3(): 08-26.

16.  Chen Y, Miao Y, Huang L, Li J, Sun H, Zhao Y, Yang J, Zhou W et al. Antioxidant activities of saponins extracted from Radix trichosanthis: an in vivo and vitro evaluation. BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2014; 14-86.

17.  Subashri B, Justi Koil V, Pillai. A comparative study of antioxidant activity of Bacopa monniera (L.) Pennell using various solvent extracts and its GC-MS analysis. Int.J.Pharm.Sci 2014; 5() 396-400.

18.  Chikkur BP Kumar, Kikker NM. The effect of Achyranthes aspera extracts on mild steel corrosion in industrial water medium. ISRN Corrosion 2013; http://dx.doi.org/10.1155/2013/261847

19.  Nnanna Lebe A, Jehn Wisdom O, nwadiuko O. Corrosion inhibition study of aluminium alloy AA3003 in alkaline medium by Palisota hirsute extract. Int. J.Res. Rev 2014; 2(): 113-118.

20.  Mahdi A, Rahem SK. Corrosion Inhibition of Reinforced steel by Thymus vulgarize (Thyme) Extract in simulated chloride contaminated concrete pore solution. Int.J.civil Eng. Technol 2014;  5(), 89-99.

21.  Helen LYS, Rahim AA, Saad B, Saleh MI, Bothi Raze P. Aquilaria crassna Leaves Extracts – a Green Corrosion Inhibitor for Mild Steel in 1M HCl Medium. Int.J. Electrochem. Sci 2014; 9: 830-846.

22.  Onuegbu TU, Umoh ET, Ehiedu CN. Emilia sonchifolia extract as green corrosion inhibitor for mild steel in acid medium using weight loss method. J.Nat.Sci. Res. 2013; 3: 52-55.

23.  Gadow HS, Fouda AS (2014) Black Tea as Green Corrosion Inhibitor for carbon Steel in 1M Hydrochloric Acid Solutions. Int.J.Adv.Res 2014;  2(1), 233-243.

24.  Abdel Ghani AE, Dora GA, Hassan WHB, Abdallah RH, El-Salam EA (2016) New Saponins from Albizia Lebbeck (L) Benth Flowers. International J.Pharma.Science and Res 2016; 7(9): 3617-3632.

25.  Wu X, Zhang J, Sun G, Yu T, Sun X, Zhang X, Zhong X, Xu X (2014) A new Dammarane-type Triterpene Saponin from the Root of Aralia elata. Rec.Nat.Prod. 2014; 8: 422-425.

26.  Gulcemal D, Milena M, Napolitano A, Karayildirim T, Bedir, E, Alankus-Caliskan, O, Piacente, S et al.  Oleanane glycosides from Astragalus tauricolus: Isolation and Structural elucidation based on a preliminary liquid chromatography-electrospay ionization tandem mass spectrometry profiling. 2013; 86: 184-194.

27.  Borges RM, Valenca SS, Lopes  AA, Barbi, NDS, Ribeiro da Silva AJ et al. Saponins from the roots of Chiococca alba and their in vitro anti-inflammatory activity. Phytocmem. Letts 2013; 6: 96-100.

28.  Chen JY, Li PL, Tang XL, Wang SJ, Jiang YT, Shen L, Xu BM, Shao YL, Li GQ et al. Cycloartane Triterpenoids and Their Glycosides from the Rhizomes of Cimicifuga foetida. J.Nat.Prod 2014; 77: 1997-2005.

29.  Williams RB, Norman VL, Goering MG, O’Neil-Johnson M, Eldridge GR, Starks CM et al. Acetylated Dammarane-Type Bisdesmosides from Combretum inflatum. J.Nat.Prod 2013; 76: 1592-1597.

30.  Colorado J, Munoz D, Marquez D, Marquez ME, Lopez J, Thomas OP, Martinez A et al. Ulososides and Urabosides-Triterpenoid Saponins from the Caribbean Marine Sponge Ectyoplasia ferox. Molecules 2013;  18: 2598-2610.

31.  Song W, Si L, Ji S, Wang H, Fang XM, Yu LY, Li RY, Liang LN, Zhou D, Ye M et al. Uralsaponins M-Y, Antiviral Triterpenoid Saponins from the Roots of Glycyrrhiza uralensis. J.Nat.Prod 2014; 77: 1632-1643.

32.  Ma L, Yu AH, Sun LL, Gao W, Zhang MM, Su YL, Liu H, Ji T et al.  Two New Bidesmoside Triterpenoid Saponins from the Seeds of Momordica charantia L. Molecules 2014; 19: 2238-2246.

33.  Njateng GSS, Du Z, Gatsing D, Donfack ARN, Talla MF, Wabo HK, Tane P, Mouokeu RS, Luo X, Kuiate JR. et al. Antifungal properties of a new terpenoid saponin and other compounds from the stem bark of Polyscias fulva Hiern (Araliaceae). BMC Complementary and Alternative Medicine 2015; 15: 1-12. DOI 10.1186/s12906-015-0541-7

34.  Sharma A, Sati SC, Sati OP, Sati MD, Kothiyal SK, Semwal DK, Mehta A et al. A New Triterpenoid Saponin and Antimicrobial Activity of Ethanolic Extract from Sepindus mukorossi Gaertn. J.Chem. 2013; 1-5. DOI org/10.1155/2013/218510

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DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

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2019: 5.692

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2017: 4.965

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