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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

1Vyas Deepak M., 2Umarkar Suwarna V., 3Thakare Prabhakar B. , 4Thakare Mangala P.

 1Associate Professor in Dept. of Kriya Sharir, Jupiter Ayurved Medical College, Nagpur

2Assistant Professor in Dept. of Kriya Sharir, Govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur,

3Associate Professor, R.A. Pottdar Ayurved College, Mumbai,

4Associate Professor ,Govt. Ayurved College, Nagpur

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God has empowered each living being to produce itself and thus to perpetuate its kind of race. He has given this magnanimous gift only to the women. The woman is considered as one of the most essential factors of the continuity of the human race. During Garbhavastha, She experiences lots of anatomical as well as physiological changes at the level of Dosha, Dhatu and Mala. These changes are nothing but maternal adaptation to the increasing demand of the growing fetus. The Growth and development of fetus requires more nutrition from mother. This cause increased the workload on the maternal Dhatus so she needs extra nutrition during Garbhavastha. Ayurveda has suggested a very good protocol i.e. Masanumasik Garbhini Paricharya. The aim of this paper to is to study concept of Garbhini and Garbhini Paricharya from Ayurvedic literature

KEY WORDS:- Garbhini, Garbhini Paricharya, Garbhavasta, Aahar



1.      Agnivesh , Charak , Drudbala. Charak Samhita. 2004th Ed. Tripathy B, Editor. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati; 2002.

2.      Thakkar VJ, Rao P, Pandey A. Garbhavkranti. In Astangsamgraha,Sutrasharirnidan.: Kendriya Ayurved Aivm Siddha Anusandhan Parishad; 2006. P. 369.

3.      Sushruta. Garbhavakranti. In Sharma P. Sushruta Samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2002. P. 352.

4.      Sushrut. Garbhavkrantishariradhyaya. In Sharma P. Sushruta Samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orietaliya; 2002. P. 352.

5.      Agnivesh , Charak , Drudbala. Mahtigarbhavkranti. In Tripathy B. Charak Samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamca Surbharati Prakashan; 204. P. 883.

6.      Thakar VJ, Rao P, Pandey A. Garbhavkranti. In Astangsamgraha. New Delhi: Kendriya Ayurved Avm Siddha Anusandhan Parishad; 2006. P. 441-442.

7.      Paradkar Ss. Putrakamiya. In Kunte A, Navre K. Astanghridayam. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskritbsanstan; 2011. P. 434-435.

8.      A, Charak , Drudbala. Mahatigarbhavkranti. In Tripathy B. Charak Samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharagti Prakashan; 2004. P. 885.

9.      Agnivesh , Charak , Drudbala. Mahatigarbhavkranti. In Tripathy B. Charak Samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharati; 2004. P. 885.

10.  Agnivesh , Charak , Drudbala. Mahtigarbhavkranti. In Tripathy B. Charak Samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti; 2004. P. 885.

11.  Agnivesh , Charak , Drudbala. Mahtigarbhavkranti. In Tripathy B. Charak Samhita. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti; 2004. P. 886.

12.  Umarkar SV. “The Physiological Study Of Raktalpata In Garbhini. 2009..

13.  Umarkar S, Vyas D. Status Of sharir Dosha In Garbhini With Special Reference To Raktalpata-An Observational Study. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal. 2017 April.

14.  Naga SLC. Concept Of Garbhini Paricharya. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal. 2013 Nov-Dec; I(6).

15.  Anjumani Deka1 KK. Garbhini Paricharya And Its Clinical Importance. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal. 2017 May.

16.  N VB. An Illustration Of The Garbhiniparicharya As Explained In. International Ayurvedic Medical Journal. 2017 June.

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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