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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

Agrawal Monika1,SharmaSaurav2, Lal Makhan3




Abstract :

The word srotas is derived from “srugataudhatu which means movement.Srotas are channels which transport anna, dhatus, tridoshas and pranas. When the flow of appropriate nutrients through srotas is proper and unobstructed, there is health. When there is blockage, excess or deficiency in these channels, disease occurs. Herbs act in various ways. Some stop attipravitti while others removesang. In this article an effort has been made to analyze the action of dravyas in different pathologies exclusively at srotas level in order to highlight their medico clinical importance in our body.


Key words: Srotas, Herbs, Channels, Ayurveda


   1.    Agnivesh, Charak, Charak samhita, Vimaan sthana, Srotoviman Adhyaya, Chapter 5, Shlok 6, edited by Ganga Sahay Pandey, Vidyotini                   Hindi commentary by Shastri K. N and Chaturvedi G. N., part 1, Chaukhamba Sanskrit sansthan, Varanasi, Reprint year 2001.


2. Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Shareer Sthana Dhamnivyakrana, Chapter 9, Shlok 12,13. Edited by Prof. Kaviraj Ambikadatt shastri. Chaukhamba Sanskrit sansthan, Varanasi, Second Edition, Reprint year : 2005.


3.      Casy AF, Parfitt RT. Opoid analgesics. Springer; 1986.


4.      Raghvan P, Nagendra AS, Dutta NK. Total alkaloids of Saussurea lappa in treatment of bronchial asthma. An assessment of its therapeutic value by clinical & ventilator function studies. J Postgrad Med 1962; 8:158-169.


5.      Arif- ullah Khan 1, 2, Qaiser Jabeen Khan 1,3 and Anwarul- Hassan Gilani 1; Pharmacological basis for the medicinal use of Cardamom in asthma; Bangladesh J Pharma 2011; 6: 34-37.


6.      Basic concepts of Dravyaguna Vijnana by Dr. Anugrah Narain Singh and Prof. Satya Deo Dubey, Chaukhambha Vishvabharti, Varanasi, 1st edition 2014.


7.      Dravyaguna Vijnana by Prof. P. V. Sharma, Chaukhambha Bharti Academy, Varanasi,Reprint year 2011, pg 618 .


8.      Agnivesh, Charak, Charak Samhita, Sutrasthan, Shadvirechanshtashati adhyay Chapter 4, Shlok 36, edited by Ganga Sahay Pandey, Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Shastri K. N and Chaturvedi G. N. , part 1, Chaukhamba Sanskrit sansthan, Reprint year 2001, Varanasi.


9.      Bhagvat Geeta


10.  Agnivesh, Charak, Charak Samhita, Sutrasthan,Chikitsaprabhrityamadhyay, Chapter 16, Shlok 21, edited by Ganga Sahay Pandey, Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Shastri K. N and Chaturvedi G. N. , part 1, Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan, Reprint year 2001, Varanasi.


11.  Agnivesh, Charak, Charak Samhita, Vimansthan,Srotoviman Adhyaya, Chapter5, Shlok7, edited by Ganga Sahay Pandey, Vidyotini Hindi commentary by Shastri K. N and Chaturvedi G. N. , part 1, Choukhamba Sanskrit sansthan, Reprint year 2001, Varanasi.


12.  Sushruta, Sushruta Samhita, Shareer Sthana Dhamnivyakrana, Chapter 9, Shlok 12. Edited by Prof. Kaviraj Ambikadatt shastri. Chaukhamba Sanskrit sansthan, Varanasi, Second Edition, Reprint year : 2005.


13.  Chowdhury Kanchan, Dhakar Rajkumar, Patil Bansilal Satish, Jain Rahul, Datta Nilanjan. Role of Rohitaka and Sharpunkha on Mukhadushika. International Journal Of Ayurvedic And Herbal Medicine, 3;3 (2013)1159: 1172.


14.  Dhyani S C, Rasa-Panchaka, Varanasi, Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy; Edition 4th , 2016, pg 134-135.

   15  Davidsons Principles & Practice of Medicine. Edition 20th. pg 937.

IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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