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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

1 Vd. Bhoir Vijay ,  2 Vd. V. E. Gogate,  3 Vd.Bhoir Vedika

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijahm/v7i5.08

 1M.D.(Kayachikitsa)   Assi.Professor Bapuji ayur. College,  Challkhere, Karnataka

2 M.D.(Kayachikitsa)  Asso. Professor    Government Ayurved College,Nanded. Maharashtra 

3 M.S.(Shlyatantra) Assi. Professor D.Y.Patil School of Ayurveda Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra


This paper reports about results of a prospective, randomized, control single blind trial to evaluate the efficacy of Guduchi Patra Bharad in Kwath along with oral hypoglycemic drugs in to Madhumeh with special reference Diabetes Mellitus with control of only hypoglycemic drug. Trial group having 30 patients of Madhumeha (DM) was treated with oral hypoglycemic drugs maximally two regimens [i.e. Metformin +Sulfonylurea] advice by allopathic expert with Guduchi Kwath.  Control group with 30 patients of Madhumeha (DM) was treated with oral hypoglycemic drugs [i.e. Metformin +Sulfonylurea] advice by allopathic expert. 60 Patients were randomly selected and divided. Experimental group A was treated with Guduchi kwatha in continuation with previous oral hypoglycemic drugs (Metformin 500 mg + sulphonylurm group B was treated with oral hypoglycemic drugs only. Each group of patients were advised a standard diabetic diet.   Prevalence of Madhumeha was found more in 40-60 years age groups, mostly in service persons and businessman’s having family history of madhumeha, kaphavata and kaphapitta prakruti. It showed that BSL (F), BSL (PP), Urine (F), Urine (PP), Prabhootmutrata, Aavil mutrata, Naktamutrata, were significantly reduced in both experimental group A and control group B. Comparison of both treatments shows that treatment of experimental groups A were significantly effective than that of control group B in case of BSL (F), BSL (PP), Urine (F), Urine (PP), Prabhootmutrata, Availamutrata, Naktamutrata.

Key words: - Madhumeh, Guduchi, Hypoglycemic drugs, Diabetes Mellitus.



1.   Charaka samhita with the Ayurveda-Dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta Edited by Vaidya Yadavaji Trikamji Aacharya, Chaukhambha Sanskrit susthan 5th edition.

2.      Sushruta samhita of sushruta with the Nibandhasangraha commentry of Dalhanacharya and the Nyayachandrika Panika of Shri Gayadasacharya on Nidansthana, 5th edition Chaukhambha orierttalia, Varanasi.

3.  Arashtanhridaya composed by Vagbhata with the commentaries Sarvangasundara of Arundatta and Ayurvedarasayana of Hemadri by Krishnadas academy 1995, Chàukhamba Prakashana, Varanasi.

4.      Sharanghara - samhita of sharanghara containing Anjanidana of MaharshiAgnivesha with Dipika commentary by Brahmanand Tripathi, 2004 edition.

5.   Madhavanidanam I & II of Shri. Madhavakasa with the Sanskrit commentary Madhukosha, 2007 edition by Bramhanand Tripathi, Chaukhamba Prakashan, Varanasi.


1.      King, H., Aubert, R.E. and Herman, W.H. (1998) Global burden of diabetes, 1995-2025,, prevalance, numerical estimates & projections. Diabetes Care, 21, 1414-1431.

2.   Davidson’s Principles and Practice of medicine, 19th Edition. Christopher R.W. edwords et al, W.B. sounders company Ltd. London-2002.

3.      Internal book of medicine – Harrison

4.      Text book of diabetes mellitus - RSSDI (Research society for study of Diabetes in India).

5.     Effect of tinospora cardifollia on blood glucose and total lipid level of normal and alloxan diabetic rabbits. Wadood N, Wadood A, Shahs A.

6.   Hypoglycemic and other related actions of tinospora cardifollia roots in alloxan induced diabetic rats Stanely P, prince M, Menon VP.



IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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