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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

Dr. Shinde Bhagwat1 , Dr. Ghawte Sanket Annasaheb2

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijahm/v7i4.12

1Principal , H.O.D. & Professor Post Graduate Dept. of Kayachikitsa PMT’s Ayurved College, ShevgaonDist –Ahemednagar - Maharashtra

2P.G. in KayachikitsaPost Graduate Department of KayachikitsaAyurved College Shevgaon

Corresponding Author:-Dr. Bhagawat Tukaram Shinde 

(Principal , H.O.D. & Professor)Post Graduate Dept. of Kayachikitsa PMT’s Ayurved College, ShevgaonDist –Ahemednagar - Maharashtra


Background: Diabetes mellitus refers to group of common metabolic disorders that share the phenotype of hyperglycemia. In simple word, elevated sugar level in human body than normal. Around 347 million of total world population is diabetic and in 2012,1.5 million deaths happened due to diabetes.  In Ayurveda ,Prameha (Diabetes) mentioned in CharakaSamhita, Sushrutasanhita, Madhavnidana, Vagbhata by Acharyas. In which disease ; frequency and quantity of urine more called Prameha. It  can be correlated with Diabetes due to common symptoms like Bahumutrata (Polyurea), Trishna(Polydipsia) Mutraavilata(TurbidUrine) Sweda(Swating) Kshudhadhikya (Increased Appetite). The clinical features of  Diabetes may present acutely, with the three classic symptoms of thirst, polyuria and weight loss; even so, clinical recognition may be delayed until the patient is seriously ill. KushmandaChurna  is selected for their wide spectrum action on Prameha like Tridoshahara(BalencedTridosha) Anulomaka, Bastishodhaka, Balya

Aim: To evaluate the  effect of KushmandaChurna in the treatment of Prameha.

Materials and Methods: Total 20 patients of Pramehaw.s.r. Type 2 DM with 4weeks duration were enrolled and randomly  allocated to GroupA (Oral KushmandaChurna 6gm with Anupan Natural Honey 12gm  daily twice ) , Group B (Oral KushmandaChurna 6gm with AnupanUshnodaka  daily twice) . Duration of treatment was considered about 1 month. Blood sugar level, Urine sugar level, Nocturia (Urination during night), Turbid urine (MutaAvilata), observed at weekly interval.

Results: With the treatment of 4 weeks , Group A showed dramatic improvements in signs and symptoms. Resolution of Bahumutrata, Mutraavilata, Urine sugar post prandial occurred in about 80% of patients. Whereas 70% of patients having reduction in Blood sugar fasting , bold sugar post prandial and urine sugar fastin. In patients of Group B, Blood sugar fasting and post prandial  shows good results in 50%. Cessation of Bahumutrata, Urine sugar fasting & post prandial occurred in 60% ,whereasMutraavilata  reduced in 70%. So  use of Kushmandachurna with anupana as Natural honey or Usnodaka shows  significant effect. But when compared before and after treatment by applying ‘t’ test to parameters,  p>0.001 hence difference is not significant. Any treatment can use for Prameha

Conclusion: Kushamndachurna with natural honey or kushmandachurna with ushnodaka as anupana is useful for Prameha.

KEYWORDS: Prameha, Type 2 Diabetes Mellitus, KushmandaChurna , Natural Honey, Ushnodaka


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3.      www.who.int/diabetes/en/(Accessed Date 31/1/2016 at 11.00am)

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Raja Nighantu –ShriNarahariPandit – ChoukhamabaOrientalia Publication – 2012

7. SushrutSamhita -Atrideva, BhaskarGovindjiGhanekar, LalchandrajiVaidya-   MotilalBanarsidass Publisher- 2007 - SutrasthanabVd. Shrilaxmipatishastri –Yogaratnakarara- VidyotiniTika- Reprint  2008- ChoukhambaPrakashana – Purvardha

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IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

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