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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

1* Chaudhary A., 2 Garud S., 3 Neelam , 4 PatekarR.  , 5Jaiswal M.

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijahm/v7i4.09

1,2 P.G. Scholar, Department of DravyagunaVigyan, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur

3, 4 Ph.D. Scholar, Department of DravyagunaVigyan, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur

5Asso. Professor, Department of DravyagunaVigyan, National Institute of Ayurveda, Jaipur

Corresponding author:-

Dr. Anubha Chaudhary

4/770, Jawahar Nagar, Jaipur, Rajasthan, India.


Ayurveda has its peculiarity about food and its role in the maintenance of health and treatment of diseases since before the emergence of modern medical science. Ayurveda considers that wholesome food is the cause of health and wellbeing while unwholesome food is the root cause of all diseases. In Ayurveda, milk is considered as Rasayan (rejuvenator), Jeevaniya (vitaliser) etc. Modern medical science also considers milk as complete food. Lactose intolerance is the condition which restricts consumption of milk in human beings. Most humans, like other mammals, gradually lose the intestinal enzyme lactase after infancy and with it the ability to digest lactose, the principle sugar in milk.  Approximately 70% of the world population has hypolactasia, which often remains undiagnosed and has the potential to cause some morbidity. The condition of DugdhaAsatmyata as described in Ayurveda Mahodadhi, an ancient text about food and nutrition, is the description of lactose intolerance. The line of treatment of DugdhaAsatmyata can be traced back to ancient texts like CharakSamhita etc. where the condition had not been described as separate entity but can be traced scattered here and there. The present paper will put forward the concept of lactose intolerance and its line of treatment in Ayurveda.

Keywords-Lactose intolerance, DugdhaAsatmyata, Ayurveda.


1. Agnivesh, Sutra Sthan, CharakSamhita with ChakrapaniTeeka, ed. YadavjiTrikamJi, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2014, page- 187.

2.Agnivesh, Sutra Sthan, CharakSamhita with ChakrapaniTeeka, ed. YadavjiTrikamJi, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2014, page- 74.


3.  Agnivesh, Sutra Sthan, CharakSamhita with ChakrapaniTeeka, ed. YadavjiTrikamJi, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2014, page- 129.

4. Sushrut, Sutra Sthan, SushrutSamhita with ShriDalhanaacharya and ShriGayadasVirachitaVistrita Hindi Vyakhya, translator K.K. Thakral, Ist edition, Vol. IChaukhambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, 2014, page- 544

5. Agnivesh, Sutra Sthan, CharakSamhita with ChakrapaniTeeka, ed. YadavjiTrikamJi, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2014, page- 38.

6.AgarwalAnjana, UdipiShobha; Nutrition and health significance of food ingredients, Text book of human nutrition, Ist edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers (p) Ltd, 2014, page- 605.

7.Sushrut, Uttar Tantra, SushrutSamhita with Ayurveda TattvaSandipikahindi commentary, ed. KavirajaAmbikaDuttaShastri, Chaukhambha Publications, reprint 2009, page-275.

8.T. Yamada et.al., Textbook of Gastroenterology, Vol. II., Third edition; Lippinwtt, Williams & Wilkins publication, 1999, page1688-1691.

9.Agnivesh, Sutra Sthan, CharakSamhita with ChakrapaniTeeka, ed. YadavjiTrikamJi, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2014, page- 108.

10. Agnivesh, Sutra Sthan, CharakSamhita with ChakrapaniTeeka, ed. YadavjiTrikamJi, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2014, page- 108.

11.Sushrut, Sutra Sthan, SushrutSamhita with ShriDalhanaacharya and ShriGayadasVirachitaVistrita Hindi Vyakhya, translator K.K. Thakral, Ist edition, Vol. I ChaukhambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, 2014, page- 708.

12.Sushrut, Sutra Sthan, SushrutSamhita with ShriDalhanaacharya and ShriGayadasVirachitaVistrita Hindi Vyakhya, translator K.K. Thakral, Ist edition, Vol. II ChaukhambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, 2014, page- 523.

13.Sushrut, Sutra Sthan, SushrutSamhita with ShriDalhanaacharya and ShriGayadasVirachitaVistrita Hindi Vyakhya, translator K.K. Thakral, Ist edition, Vol. II ChaukhambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, 2014, page- 258..

14.Bhel, Sutra Sthan, BhelaSamhita, ed. AbhayKatyayan, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2009, page- 121.

15.Sushrut, Sutra Sthan, SushrutSamhita with ShriDalhanaacharya and ShriGayadasVirachitaVistrita Hindi Vyakhya, translator K.K. Thakral, Ist edition, Vol. I ChaukhambhaOrientalia, Varanasi, 2014, page- 385.

16.Agnivesh, Sutra Sthan, CharakSamhita with ChakrapaniTeeka, ed. YadavjiTrikamJi, Ist edition, ChaukhambhaSurbhartiPrakashan, Varanasi, 2014, page- 627.

17.Sushen,  KsheeraGunavarga, Ayurveda Mahodadhi, ed. AcharyaBalaKrishana, Ist edition, DivyaPrakashan, Haridwar, 2013, page- 38.

18.Sharma P.V., DravyagunaVigyan, Vol. II,  ChaukhambhaBharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint 2013, page- 331.

19. Sharma P.V., DravyagunaVigyan, Vol. II,  ChaukhambhaBharti Academy, Varanasi, reprint 2013, page- 275.

20.T. Yamada et.al., Textbook of Gastroenterology, Vol. II., Third edition; Lippinwtt, Williams & Wilkins publication, 1999, page1688-1691.


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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

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