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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

1Dr.Mahima S.B., 2Dr.Prashanth A.S.

DOI : http://dx.doi.org/10.18535/ijahm/v7i4.04

1PG Scholar Department of Kayachikitsa Ayurveda Mahavidyalaya , Hubli ,Karnataka,India 

2M.D.(Ayu) Ph.D. PGMH,MHA Professor and HOD Department of Kayachikitsa Ayurveda  Mahavidyalaya , Hubli Karnataka ,India


In Ayurveda, Grahani Dosha is one among the Mahagadas. The organ Grahani is the seat of Jatharagni so both are interrelated. It’s supported and nourished by the strength of Agni. Functionally weak Agni i.e mandagni causes improper digestion of ingested food & leads to Grahani roga present with a symptom of muhurbadda and muhurdrava mala pravrutti. Grahani is a disease of great clinical relevance in modern era because of its direct link with the improper food habits and stressful lifestyle of the present time. Vitiation of Agni affect the digestion process and vitiates proper formation of further dathus thus affecting the nourishment of the body, so for the treatment, concentration should be kept on management of Agni. Thus this article aims to give an essential knowledge about Grahani & explore the utility of Takra prayoga in Grahani roga as Takra being Tridoshahara, Deepana, Grahi, and Lagu  helpful in treating in Grahaniroga.

Keywords- Grahani roga, Agni, digestive disorder, Takra


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6.      Vd Harishchandra kushwaha (ed) charak samhita of Agnivesha with Ayurveda dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta (volume 2),  chikitsa sthana  15/42,43 chaukhambha sansthan varanasi, reprint ed. 2011

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12.  Vd Harishchandra kushwaha (ed) charak samhita of Agnivesha with Ayurveda dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta (volume 2),  chikitsa sthana  15/53 chaukhambha sansthan varanasi, reprint ed. 2011

13.  Vd Harishchandra kushwaha (ed) charak samhita of Agnivesha with Ayurveda dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta (volume 2),  chikitsa sthana  15/58 chaukhambha sansthan varanasi, reprint ed. 2011

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18.  Vd Harishchandra kushwaha (ed) charak samhita of Agnivesha with Ayurveda dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta (volume 2),  chikitsa sthana  15/73-75 chaukhambha sansthan varanasi, reprint ed. 2011

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20.  Vd Harishchandra kushwaha (ed) charak samhita of Agnivesha with Ayurveda dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta (volume 2),  chikitsa sthana  15/73-75 chaukhambha sansthan varanasi, reprint ed. 2011

21.  Vd Harishchandra kushwaha (ed) charak samhita of Agnivesha with Ayurveda dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta (volume 2),  chikitsa sthana  15/120-121 chaukhambha sansthan varanasi, reprint ed. 2011

Vd Harishchandra kushwaha (ed) charak samhita of Agnivesha with Ayurveda dipika commentary of chakrapanidatta (volume 2),  chikitsa sthana  14/78 chaukhambha sansthan varanasi, reprint ed. 2011

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

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2022: 6.704

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