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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

Patil S R1 , Kelkar V2

 Paper Index :

YMT Ayurved College Kharghar Navi Mumbai

Corresponding Author- Patil S R1

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Food or Ahara is among the three significant pillars of ayurveda. Various types of viruddha ahara have been explained in ayurvedic samhita out of that Agni viruddha ahara plays major role in the process of disease formation. According to ayurveda Agni provides Bala (vitality), Varna (complexion), Arogya (good health), Oja (vital essence), and Teja (lusture) in the body. That Agni Viruddha Ahara is one of the major causes of Agnimandya which ultimately leads to formation of various diseases. One who has habituated to consume unwholesome food, such a recurrent intake of this unhealthy food will develop Amvisha (toxins) which leads to various diseases. Agni viruddha ahara or unwholesome food intake leads to hypo functioning agni specially Jathar Agni and thus likely to effect the functions of the other agni also.


1.  Charaka Samhita, Edited by Pt. Kashinath pandy, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Reprinted, Edition  2005, Sutrasthana Adhyaya, 11/34. 

2.    Global and Local: Food Safety around the World, the Center for Science in the Public Interest (CSPI). Caroline Smith De Waal and Nadine Robert.

3.  Charaka Samhita, Edited by Pt. Kashinath pandy, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Reprinted, Edition  2005, Vimansthan Adhyay, 8

4.   Agnivesha . In: Charaka, Dridhabala, Charaka Samhita, Sutra Sthana, 26/81. Reprint. Vaidya Jadavaji Trikamaji Acharya., editor. Varanasi: Krishnadas Academy; 2000.

5.     Charaka S, Sashtri Kashinath, Pt, Chaturvedi Gorakhnath., Dr. Ibid verse 15/4. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Bharti Academy; 2004. Chikitsanthana, 15/3

6.  Charaka S, Sashtri Kashinath, Pt, Chaturvedi Gorakhnath., Dr. Ibid verse 15/4. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Bharti Academy; 2004.Charaka Samhita, Sutra Sthana, 26/84

7.  Charaka Samhita, Edited by Pt. Kashinath pandy, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Reprinted, Edition 2005, Vimansthan Adhyay, 6

8.  Shrimad vruddhavagbhatvirachit Ashtangsamgraha, edited by Dr. Shivprasad Sharma, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, Sutrasthan Adhyaya 13/23

9.  Charaka Samhita, Edited by Pt. Kashinath pandy, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi, Reprinted, Edition 2005, Nidansthan Adhyaya, 4

10. Shrimad vruddhavagbhatvirachit Ashtangsamgraha, edited by Dr. Shivprasad Sharma, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, Sutrasthan Adhyaya 13/26

11. Comprehensive review of gramya ahara by Gahunge Pankaj, Shinde Ashashri, kashikar vidyadish; international research journal of pharmacy ISSN 2230-8407 2012

12. Ayuredic aspect of Bacteria and bacterial food poisoning by Savita saini, Sharad Porte; IJPSR ISSN E-0975-8232 Vol. 6 2015

13. Concept of Ahara in Ayurveda: Acritical review by Amit Gupta, Rachana Agrawal, M S Meena; Ayushdhara, ISSN 2393-9583 Vol. 2 April 2015

14. Food Combining by Vd. Vasant Lad; Ayurvedic cooking for self healing Concept of Agni-An Ayurvedic Review by Durgesh gupta, A.C. Kar; IAMJ ISSN 2320 5091 Vol. 3 October 2015






IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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