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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

Waghmare Dinesh1 ,Dharne Vidya2 ,Kashikar Shrikant3 , Yadav Sanjeev4

 Paper Index :

M.S.(Scholar)1,Assistant Professor2, Professor and Head of Dept3,Professor and Dean4.

Department of Shalya Tantra, Dr G.D Pol’s YMT Ayurvedic College And PG Institute, Kharghar, Navi Mumbai,Maharashtra, India.

 Email id: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Wounds related to Fistula in ano are difficult problem that surgeons have struggled with since the time of Hippocrates.Practically management of Fistulectomy wound is challenging and demands special attention.Wound healing is a natural process but factors like slough,infection and foreign body affect the normal process of healing.The developing resistance of microorganisms to antibiotics proportionally demands the need of new antibiotics.A simple wound turns highly septic while showing negligible effect to strongest antibiotics at times.Time tested safe compounds explained in Ayurvedic texts are the highlights of Ayurvedic medicine when it comes to wound healing. Due to moist anal region,continuous post-operative discharge from wound and daily bowel habit the wound get recurrently soiled and infected.Ultimately results into delayed and impaired wound healing.Thus post Fistulectomy wound management is very necessary for uncomplicated Post fistulectomy  wound healing. After referring the Ayurvedic texts we observed that Yashtimadhu Ghrita and Tiktaadi Ghrita has Vrana Ropana, Dahashamana, Vata Pitta shaman, Vedanashamana properties which can help the Fistula(Vrana) to heal rapidly.Tiktadi Ghrita has property of Krumighna, Puya nashak, Kandunashak. Yashtimadhu is considered as best drug for Vrana Ropan (wound) and it has analgesic property also. In both products base is Ghrita which itself has Samskara Anuvarti, analgesic and healing properties.

The present study was conducted to evaluate and compare local effect of Yashtimadhu Ghrita and Tiktaadi Ghrita in management of post-operative fistulectomy.The symptoms  which were assessed during study are Pain, Bleeding, Itching and Size of Ulcer.

The Results revealed that Statistically Yashtimadhu Ghrita and Tiktaadi Ghrita both are effective in conservative management of Fistula in ano but Yashtimadhu ghrita per rectal local application is more effective remedy for management of pain, bleeding, itching and for healing of ulcer when compared to Tiktaadi Ghrita.


Vrana means a condition which leads to discolouration of skin. Vranayati eti Vrana, vranayati vaivarnya karoti.

The wounds and their managements are fundamental in elective surgery. It is through wound that assess is obtained to deal with underlying pathology. Wounds related to Fistula in ano are a difficult problem that surgeons have struggled with since times of Hippocrates. Practically

management of Fistulectomy wound is challenging and demands special attention. So further efforts are taken for post op Fistulectomy wound management using Herbal preparations.


1.      Baileys & Loves Short Practice Of Surgery 24th edition Chapter 72 pageno 1253,1254.

2.    Concise Text book Of Surgery 4th Edition S.Das Chapter no 54 Rectum & Anal canal Treatment of Fistula in Ano- page no 1084.

3.    Concise Text book Of Surgery 4th Edition S.Das Chapter no 54 Rectum & Anal canal Treatment of Fistula in Ano- page no 1085

4.  Concise Text book Of Surgery 4th Edition S.Das Chapter no 54 Rectum & Anal canal- Treatment of Fistula inAno & complications- page no 1086.

5.    Dravyaguna Vijnyan [ayurvedic medicinal plants] part 1 & 2 by Dr.A.P.Deshpande- Subhash Ranade, Anmol Prakashan, Pune, pg no. 349-352.

6.     Kaiyadeva Nighantu, edited and translated by Prof P V Sharma, Choukhamba oriental, 1st edition,pp696, pg 368.

7.     Sushrut Samhita Chikitsastan-Dr.Anantramram Sharma Vol 2- Chikitsastan, chp 31 Snehopayogik chikitsa adhyay. Shlok no 8- Page no 408

8.      Abhinav Bhaishajya Kalpana Vidnyan,chapter Vividh kalpana, pg.no.302

9.      Sushrut Samhita Sutrasthan-Dr.Anantramram Sharma Vol 1- Chp 5, Shlok no 42- Page no 44

10.  Sushrut Samhita Chikitsastan-Dr.Anantramram Sharma Vol 2- Chikitsastan, Vaman virechan vyapad Adhyay Shlok no 16-  Page no 439

11.  Oprative surgery, 5th Edition, S.Das 2007 Calcutta,chapter no 32,page no 408.

12.  Kashyapa samhita- text with English translation and commentary by p v tewari chapter 13. no -2 sloka- 1 page no- 163.

13.  Sushruta samhita chikitsasthan Dr.Anantramram Sharma Vol 2- chp.36 shloka no. 36-37 pg no. 454

14.  Kashyap samhita- text with English translation and commentary by p v tewari kilasthan chp.14 shloka no

15. Sindhav vijayasinha. V – Role of yastimadhvadi Ghrita in the management of Fistula in anow.s.r Fistula-in-ano.Jamnagar: Gujarat Ayurvedic University;2001.


16. Dr.Shindhe Anatakumar. Comparative study of Yastimadhu tail in the management of Fistula in ano, S.D.M College of Ayurveda Kuthpady Udapi-2008



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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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