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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

1Dr. Shete A. S. ,2 Dr. Nakel M.P. , 3Dr. Amale D. J.

 Paper Index :

 1. Dr. Shete A. S. (P.G. Sholar)


2. Dr. Nakel M.P. (Assistant Professor, Dept. of Community Medicine, MGM MCH, Aurangabad

3. Dr. Amale D. J. (Professor & Head, Dept. Rognidan & Vikruti Vigyan, CSMSS Ayurvedic College, Aurangabad

Institute: Dept. Rognidan & Vikruti Vigyan, CSMSS Ayurvedic College, Aurangabad (M.S.)

 Email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..


Introduction- Nidra is one among the “ Trayopasthambha”. Vata and Pitta  are the Pradhana Doshas contributing to Anidra. Aswapna is included in Vataja Nanatmaja Vikaras where quantity of  Nidra is reduced. Aim- To study Anidra  with special reference to Essential Hypertension as a stress disorder  Objectives- 1. To study the Anidra in relation to Essential hypertension. 2.To assess the lakshanas(Symptoms) associated with  Anidra.  Methodology- Study design- Descriptive observational study. Total 30 patients of either sex between the age group of 35 to 60 years were selected randomly for the study. Results- Symptoms like Jrimbha (Yawing) and Tandra (Drowsiness) were found in maximum (36.66 %) patients while Smritidourbalya, Manodourbalya, Glani, Shirashoola and Malabaddhata were the least common (6.66 %) symptoms associated with Anidra.. Discussion- Total of 14 (46.66 %) subjects were having raja pradhan manas prakriti suggesting its prime role in causing hypertension. Jrimbha and Tandra were found in maximum (36.66 %) patients., while Smritidourbaly, Manodourbalya, Glani, Shirashoola and Malabaddhata were the least common (6.66 %) symptoms associated with Anidra. Conclusion- Jrimbha, Tandra,  Arati, Manodourbalya and Ajirna were the most common symptoms found in patients suffered from Anidra (Insomnia).  


1.     Acharya YT. Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapanidatta.Varanasi:Chaukhamba Orientalia; 2011. p74

2.     Shastry Ambikadutta. Susruta Samhita with Ayurveda Tatva Sandipika commentry. Varanasi: Chaukambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2012.p44-46

3.     Acharya YT. Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Deepika Commentary of Chakrapanidatta.Varanasi: Chaukhamba Orientalia ; 2011.p113

4.    Upadhyaya Yadunandan.  Astanga Hrudaya with Vidyothini hindi Commentry. 14th ed. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; 2003. p96

5.     Kanika wadhaw,  Kshiteeja choudhary, Santosh kumar Bhatted Classical ayurvedic management of insomnia (Ambien) (anidra) – a case study, Jour. of Ayurveda & Holistic Medicine Volume-IV, Issue-I, Pg 37-41.

6.     Insomnia rampant in third world countries: Study. http:/www.Health.india.com (accessed 4 March 2013).

7.  Acharya Agnivesa, Charaka Samhita, Sutra Sthana, English Translation By R. K Sharma  & Bhagavan Dash, 6th Edition, Varanasi, Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office, 1997, Ch-11 & 20, P. 219 & 363.

8.     Acharya Agnivesa, Charka Samhita With Ayurveda Deepika Commentary Of

9.    Chakrapanidatta Edited Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya Edited, Published Chaukhamba Surabharti Prakasana Varanasi Reprint 2008 Sutra Sthana 20/11 Pg 113.

10. Sushruta Samhita, Nibandha Sangraha Commentary of Dalhana Acharya Vaidya Jadavji Trikamji Acharya Edited, Published Chowkamba Surabharti Prakasana Varanasi Reprint 2008 Ch-4/43 P. 359.

11.  Davidson, International edition of 17th edition, Principal and Practice of medicine, Churchill Livingstone, Great Britain by BPC Paultonbooks Limited, Reprinted twice 1996. p266,272.

12.  Kearney PM, Whelton M, Reynolds K, Muntner P, Whelton PK, He J. Global burden of hypertension: Analysis of worldwide data. Lancet 2005; 365:217‑

13. Mridul Ranajan, Pankaj Pathak, Awantika Jaiswal, Suman. Effect of shirodhara on different vital parameters. An International Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences, Pharma Science Monitor 6(3), Jul-Sep 2015, 16-20

14.  The ICD-10 classification of Mental & Behavioural Disorders. http://www.who.int (accessed 28 July 2016).

15.  ISH (International Society of Hypertension, Joint National Committee- INC VII).


IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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