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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

1Dwivedi Amarprakash,2Rathod Amarsing,3Pawaskar Mayur,4Kondekar Rahul ,5Patil Nikita

 Paper Index :

1M.S ,Professor & Head , Department of ShalyaTantra , D.Y.Patil School of Ayurveda , Navi Mumbai , Maharashtra , India.

2,3,4M.S ( Shalya) , Assistant Professor , Department of ShalyaTantra , D.Y.Patil School of Ayurveda , Navi Mumbai , Maharashtra , India.

5M.S (Scholar) , Department of ShalyaTantra, D.Y.Patil School of Ayurveda , Navi Mumbai, Maharashtra , India.

Corresponding Author :

Dr.Patil Nikita Anil , M.S (Shalya) (Sch.)

Neptune living point, Bhandup , Mumbai – 400078.

E – mail Id : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 The disease Gridhrasi is commonly seen in society as prominent problem ; in this condition patient becomes incapable to do his daily routine work because of severe pain from Kati pradesha (lumbar region) toPadanguli (foot).[1] As per data available 80% population in modern industrial society experience back pain at sometime during their life , fortunately in some of these its subsides within a month. But unfortunately as many as 70% of these pain reccurs , out of these many of them converts into Gridhrasi patients as time passes.The disease , Gridhrasi classified into two categories viz. Samanyaja (general)and Nanatmaja (specific) disease are those who are resulting to the vitiation of onedosha only. Charakacharya quoted Gridhrasi in Vataja ,NanatmajaVyadhi and also enumerated underMahagada(dreadful disorders with bad prognosis)that indicates difficulty to cure it. It is characterised by its distinct pain emerging from Sphikpradesha(gluteal region)and goes towards ParshaniPratyangulina(ankle joint and foot) of the affected side.[2]And Charak and Madhava mentioned the symptoms of Gridhrasi like Bhaktadvesha (aversion to food) , Gaurava(heaviness) , Tandra(drowsiness) , Aruchi(anorexia) , Mukhapraseka (salivation) in Vata – Kaphaja type Gridhrasi.[3] So indirectly Kaphaprakopanidana and Agnimandyahetu are to be considered.As per the modern medical science , Gridhrasi can be correlated with Sciatica due to its similarity in the symptoms of pain radiating along the course of sciatic nerve and is felt in the back , buttock, posterior aspect of thigh , leg and foot.[4] The commonest symtopms of the lumber disc prolapse are backache and Sciatica. When conservative treatment fails , surgery such as Microscopic lumbar discectomy or Fenestration or micordisectomy , Hemilaminectomy or full Laminectomy is done with due risk.[5]




1.      Charakatranslation ,ChoukhambaOrientelia , Varanasi. Chikitsasthana chapter 28 , pg.869 Samhita English


2.      SushrutaSamhita English translation by P.V. Sharma ,Sutrasthana chapter 1st , pg. no.15.


3.      Charakatranslation ,ChoukhambaOrientelia , Varanasi. Chikitsasthana chapter 28 , pg. 870 Samhita English


4.      Outline of Orthopaedics , By John Crawford Adams & David L. Hamblen , 13th edition ; pg no.200,201,204.


5.  Surgical Exposure in Orthopedics , illustration by Hugh .A. Thomas , 3rd edition , Jaypee Brother Medical Publication ; pg no.296,440,437.


6.     Madhavnidanaed. By Vd.JadavjiTricumjiAcharaya ,ChoukhambaOrientelia , Varanasi.Chapter 22 , pg. no. 175


7.     SushrutaSamhita English translation by P.V Sharma ,Sutrasthana chapter 12 , pg. no.


8.    Textbook of Operative Neurosurgery , Ed. By Ravi Ramamurthi , K Sridhar , M.C Vasudevan , B.I Publication pvt ltd , New Delhi ; pg no. 1037 ,1040.


9.   BhaishajyaRatnavali Vol.2 ed. By BrahmashankarMishra ,Choukhamba Sanskrit Bhawan , Varanasi. Chapter 26 , pg. no. 135 , 136.


10.  ChakradattaHindiComm ,  ed.  By Prof. RamanathDwivediChoukhamabaSanskritiseries  , Varanasi. Chapter 22 ,pg 136.


11.  HaritaSamhita by Vd.JaiminiPandey Hindi translation , 3rdsthana , chapter 22 , pg no. 380 , 381.


12.  Yogratnakar Vol.1 by Dr.MadhamShetty Suresh Babu , English translation , Choukhamba Sanskrit series , Varanasi. Pg. no. 611.


13.  DravyagunaVijnanaVol.2 ,Dr.J.L.Sastry , ChaukhambaOrentalia , Varanasi , pg.no. 108.


14.  DravyagunaVijnanaVol.2 ,Dr.J.L.Sastry , ChaukhambaOrentalia , Varanasi ,pg. no. 399.


15.  DravyagunaVijnanaVol.2 ,Dr.J.L.Sastry , ChaukhambaOrentalia , Varanasi ,pg. no.403.


16.  DravyagunaVijnanaVol.2 ,Dr.J.L.Sastry , ChaukhambaOrentalia , Varanasi ,pg. no.418.


17.  DravyagunaVijnanaVol.2 ,Dr.J.L.Sastry , ChaukhambaOrentalia , Varanasi ,pg. no.426.


18.  Shekokar A. Jamnagar : Gujarat Ayurved University ; 2004. A Comparative study of Agnikarma and AjmodadiVati in management of Gridhrasi.


19. Yogithabali MR- Efficacy of Agnikarma (padmakanishtaanguli) and Kati basti in Gridhrasi - a comparative study(dissertation) RGUHS. Karnataka Bengaluru; 2006


20.  Dr. RajankumarSahi – A comparative study of Agnikarma and Matrabasti in management of Gridhrasi( sciatica) ;2002.


IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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