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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

Khatun Hazera,

Paper Index :

Dept of  Samhita and Siddhanta. Asst. professor of Raghunath Ayurved Mahavidyalaya and hospital. Contai,PurvaMedinipur.WestBengal.

Email:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


 B.diffusa (Punarnava) is an available and well known herb all over the world. It is traditionally use and popular   for various purposes because of its potential action. It is use   in fever, edema, anemia, jaundice, spleenomegaly, menstrual disorder, sexually transmitted diseases etc. It has potent rejuvenator property. Its chemical constituents effective against a large number of ailments, resent research proved that. This article is try to provide the basic information about this herb, found in Ayurvedic text as well as resent research.


      1. Sastri J.L.N, Drabya Guna Vijnana. Chaukhambha orientalia ,Varanasi, 3rd Edition

 2008,3rd vol, p-437-441.

 2. Mishra S, Bhavaprokash (Hindi commentary), Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, 11th Edition 2010, 1st part, p-426- 428.

 3. Sharma P.V, Drabya Guna Vijnana. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi,

 3rd Edition 1999,2nd  vol, p-360.

 4. ChatterjeeA, Pakrashi S.C. The Treaties on Indiana Medicinal Plant, CCIR, New

 Delhi 110012; 1st Edition, 1st Vol, 1991,p-76.

 5. Sharma P.C. et al, Data base on Medicinal Plants used in Ayurveda, Central

 Council for Research in Ayurveda & Siddha, New Delhi, 2001 ,1st Vol, p-264.

 6. Hiruma Lima K, Database entry for Erva tostao B, diffusa,White house, 1996;32:4-45.

 7. Mehrotra M.and Bharalli H, Haematinic property of B.diffusa Linn. Extract,

 Research in Science and technology. 2001;3(7):04-07.

 8. Sreeja S and Sreeja S, an in vivo study on Anti proliferative and anti estrogenic

 Effect of B.diffusa L, extracts. Journal of Ethno pharmacology, 1923; 126:221-225.

 9. Nalamola M, Orisakwa OE,Hypoglycaemic Effect of the aqueous extract of B.diffusa leave, Indian Journal of Phermacology, 2001, 33(3); 205-216.

 10. Chopra N and Naddkarni A.KL, Indian Meteria Medica , Popular prokashon,

 Bombey,1994, 2nd Edition,Vol-1.

 11. Agaewal A and Dutta S. Effect of B.diffusa in target fungal species, Indian Journal

 of Pharmacology ;1986,28:161-165.

 12. Srivastava P, Fribinolytic activity of freeze dried ethonolic extract of B.diffusa.

 Indian Journal of Pharmacology, 1989; 44(3):121-128.

 13. Awasthi G,and Menzel K, Anti Viral Activity of B.diffusa root extract on RNA

 Containing bacterial viruses.1986;12:21-38.

 14. Rai P.Upadhyay SK ,  In vitro anti fungal activity against M.nanumi. Indian J

 Phermacology , 2012; 44(3):345-356

 15. Chandan D, Cholerecti Activity of B.diffusa ethanolic extract induced by carbon tetrachloride in mice.1990; 31(6):829-835.

 16. Singh SP,Diwedi K.and Roy S, Teratogenic effect of B.diffusa ethanolic extract in fetus rat, Indian J Clin ,1991 ;22(8): 387-391.

 17. Singh KK, Anaad P,Department of pharmacology ,Regional Research Laboretory, Canal Road , Jammu ,1992;12: 60-67.

 18. Murthy G Prokash, Hepatoprotective activity of aqueous extract of B.diffusa root,1

 992, 4(3):184-188.

 19. Pandey S,Sharma P, Selective Immunosuppressive activity of leaf extract of

 B,diffusa (L).2004 ; 12(8): 51-55.

 20. Borrelli W, Effect of B .diffusa extract on smooth muscles ,Neuroci Today, 2009;12 :13-21.

 21. Manu G,and Kuttan O,B.diffusa root extract increases host defence ,Med update.2007:26(4):1-8.

 22. Paramanic P, Priya J,and Suriyavathana M, Evalution of Anti oxidant Potential of Andrographis echiodes and B .diffusa, International Journal of current Research ,2007;3:59- 62.

 23. Somanth TK, Mustaffa G, In-vitro Anti oxidant property of root of B .diffusa Linn. Research Journal of Pharmaceutical Biological and Chemical Science , 2010;1(4):782-788.

 24. Velmurugan De Keille,and Heshwara Unama ,Indian Herbs with anti Bacterialproperty. Fitotepia , 2010;64(1):42-44.

 25. Agaewal A and Dutta S. Effect of B.diffusa in target fungal species, Indian Journal ofPharmacology ,2004;28:161- 165.

 26. Chopra, Ghosh and De, Indian Meditional Gazette.2002; 31:122-124.

 27. Sharma P.V, Ayurveda ka vaijnanika itihas,. Chaukhambha orientalia, Varanasi,4th Edition (1999), p-46.

 28. Agnivesha, Caraka Samhita, Elaborated by Charaka and Dridabalal. English Commentary by Acharya R.K.Sharma  and Bhagwan Das, Chaukhamba Sanskrit series office, Varanasi , 2007.Vol-1,Sutra sthan,  4th chapter, sloka –12 -18.p-93-101.

 29.Maharshi Sushruta , Sushruta Samhita, English  Commentary by Prof K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Chaukhamba orientalia,Varanasi, reprint2010, vol-1, Sutrasthan -,chapter38 ,sloka-,4 pp-265.

 30. Acharya vagbhatta, Astanga Hridaya,   English  Commentary by Prof K.R. Srikantha Murthy, Krishna Das Academy, Varanasi,9th  Edition, 2013.vol 1, Sutrasthan, 4th chapter,sloka169, p-107.

31. P.V.Sharma, Dhanwantari Nighantu. Chaukhambha orientalia, Varanasi, 1st Edition, 1982.p65.

 32. Madan Pal Nripa, Madan pal Nighantu(Hindi), Ganga Vishnu Srikrishnadas Press, Bombey; Edition 1954.

 33. Shree Krishna Sastri GB, Madanpal Nighantau . Chaukhambha Bharati Academy ,Varanasi 1st Edition, 1954, p-34.

 34. Shree Krishna Das Sastri, Saligram Nighantau, Bhusanam, Mumbai,1st Edition, 1980,  p-319-322.

 35.Pt. Narahori , Raj Nighantu ,Edited by I. Tripathi , Krishna Das Academy, Varanasi,

 2nd Edition 1998, p-127-129.

 36.P. Sharma , Priya Nighantu. Chaukhambha orientalia, Varanasi, 1st Edition( 1983),


 37B.G. Vaidya , Nighantu Adarsa(uttardha). Chaukhambha orientalia, Varanasi, 1st

 Edition( 1985).p-263-269.

 38. Acharya Jadavji Tricamji, Dravyaguna Vijana, Sharma Ayurveda Mandir; 3rd


 39. P. Narahori , Raj Nighantu ,Edited by I. Tripathi , Krishna Das Academy, Varanasi,

 2nd Edition , 1998, p-127-129.

 40. J.L.N.Sastri , Drabya Guna Vijnana. Chaukhambha orientalia ,Varanasi, 3rd Edition

 2008,3rd vol, p-437-441.

 41.S. Mishra ,Bhavaprokash (Hindi), Chaukhambha Sanskrit Bhawan, Varanasi, 11th

 Edition 2010,  1st part, p-426- 428.

 42.P. Narahori , Raj Nighantu ,Edited by Tripathi I, Krishna Das Academy, Varanasi,

 2nd Edition 1998 ,  p-127-129.

 43. B.G. Vaidya , Nighantu Adarsa(uttardha). Chaukhambha orientalia, Varanasi, 1st

 Edition (1985).p-263-269.

 44. P.V. Sharma, Drabya Guna Vijnana, Chaukhambha Bharati Academy ,Varanasi,

 3rd Edition 1999,2nd vol, p-360.

 45. A. Chatterjee,S.C. Pakrashi . The Treaties on Indiana Medicinal Plant, CCIR, New

 Delhi 110012; 1st Edition, 1st Vol,1991,p-76.

 46. P.V. Sharma, Drabya Guna Vijnana. Chaukhambha Bharati Academy, Varanasi,

 3rd Edition 1999, 2nd vol, p-308.

 47. Sastri J.L.N, Drabya Guna Vijnana. Chaukhambha orientalia ,Varanasi, 3rd Edition                

 2008,3rd vol, p-437-441.




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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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