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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

Gaurav Soni, Neelam

Paper Index :

PG Scholar,

PG Department of Sharir Rachana,

National Institute of Ayurveda,

Jaipur - 302002

Email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Mob.No. – 08386826286 

Junior resident

Department of Dravyaguna,

Faculty of Ayurveda,



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Corresponding Author

Soni Gaurav

PG Scholar,

PG Department of Sharir Rachana,

National Institute of Ayurveda,

Jaipur - 302002


Email- This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Ayurveda is a sacred science of life. In all the living beings the matter and energy is existing in the form of Dosha, Dhatu & Mala. As we know that the reading is the source of obtaining the information only. The knowledge of the subject demands precise manner of study which called Analysis. Since, ancient time grammar has been tool for understanding and writing various texts whether literal work or any scientific. As Sastras were written in Sutra Roopa, Vyakarana (grammar) has always turned to be helping hand in extracting true meaning.


Tarunasthi Namayante…., which states the relation of  type of Asthi (bone) and type of Bhagna (fracture) generally occurring in them; citied from Nidana Sthana, giving sufficient proof of  clinical orientation of Acharya.  Classical grammatical analysis includes study of Dhatupada, their meaning, correlation with meanings in contemporary literature and their validation. After validation of we can say that principles both clinically and literally about classification of Asthi can be verified.  As each principle is accountable so, it is upon us to elaborate and understand it under present circumstances. We can say that knowledge of classical grammar is of extreme importance to bring out real meaning out of Sutras of classical text, thus making our principles more acceptable to new era and to take their maximum utilization in serving the nation.


·         1.       Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sutra Sthana; ch 15 Doshadhatumalakhayavriddhivigyaniya, verse 3, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 67

2.       Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Nidana Sthana; ch 15 Bhagnanam Nidanam, verse 16, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 330

3.       Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharir Sthana; ch 5 Sharirsankhyavyayakranam Shariram, verse 22, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 366

4.       Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharir Sthana; ch 5 Sharirsankhyavyayakranam Shariram, verse 23, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 366

5.       Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sutra Sthana; ch 15 Doshadhatumalakhayavriddhivigyaniya, verse 4-1, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 67

6.       Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Ayurvedipika of Chakrapanidatta, on Caraka Samhita of Caraka , Sharir Sthana; Ch. 7 SharirsankhyaShariram, verse 6. Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; reprint 2011. p. 337

7.        Vaidya Yadunandana Upadhyaya, editor. Hindi commentary Vidyotini by Kaviraja Atrideva Gupta, on Ashtanga Hrudaya of Vagbhata, Sharir Sthana; Ch.3 Athatoangvibhaga Shariram, verse 15. Varanasi; Choukhambha Prakashan, reprinted in 2010 , Pp 251

8.       Ayurvedalankar Srisatyapala Bhisagacharya, editor. With Hindi Commentary Vidyotini on Kasyapa Samhita of Vrddha Jivaka:, revised by Vatsya, Sharir sthana; ch.1 Sharirvichaya Shariradhyaya , verse 1. Varanasi: Chaukhambha Sanskrit Sansthan; Reprint 2010. p.75

9.       Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharir Sthana; ch 5 Sharirsankhyavyayakranam Shariram, verse 18, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 365

10.    Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharir Sthana; ch 5 Sharirsankhyavyayakranam Shariram, verse 20, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 366

11.    Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharir Sthana; ch 5 Sharirsankhyavyayakranam Shariram, verse 20, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 366

12.    Jadavji T, editor. Commentary of Bhoja, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Sharir Sthana; ch 5 Sharirsankhyavyayakranam Shariram, verse 20, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 366

13.    Jadavji T, editor. Commentary Nibandhasamgraha of Dalhana, on Sushruta Samhita of Sushruta, Nidana Sthana; ch 15 Bhagnanam Nidanam, verse 16, Varanasi: Chaukhamba Surbharti Prakashan; 2012. p. 330

14.    Kanaklal Sarma, editor. With Dhatvartha Prakasika notes on The Dhatupatha of Panani, edition 2nd , Varanasi: Chaukhamba Sanskrit Series Office; 1969

15.    Sir Monier Monier- Williams editor, A Sanskrit- English Dictionary, New Delhi ,1st  edition Motilal Banarsidass Publishers; 2011

16.    Raja Radha Kanta Deva editor; Shabdkalpadrum; Vol (1-5); edition 3rd; Varanasi: Chowkhamba Sanskrit Series Office: 1967. P

17.    Sir Monier Monier- Williams editor, A Sanskrit- English Dictionary, New Delhi ,1st  edition; Motilal Banarsidass Publishers; 2011

18.    J. Maheshwari; Essential Orthopaedics; edition 3 revised; 7th reprint ; Ch 1 Orthopaedic Trauma; Introduction:  New Delhi  Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers; 2011, p. 1-7

19.    Donald Venes, editor; Taber’s Cyclopedic Medical Dictionary; Philadelphia, edition 21st ; F. A. Davis Company; 2005 

IJAHM Content



Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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