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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

Title : Management of Obesity and its Related Disease by herbal drugs

Authors : Abinaya.K.R and Pavitra.R 

Abstract : Obesity and its related complication is one of the global wide problems leading to cause more than 53 diseases and in India around 30 million people are suffering with obesity. Modern methods of treatment, such as synthetic drugs and surgery, still have to be improved to show safety and efficacy. It main concerns with such treatments are the high costs and adverse effects create obesity and its related diseases. As a result, there is great interest in the use of plant-based medicinal agents as an alternative therapy. This review aimed to provide the survey of literature on accessible medicinal plants sources for the treatment of obesity and this study attempts to explain how these medicinal plants act in humans to reduce weight loss, with safer and more efficient treatment.

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Authors : B Sushama*, Nishteswar K 

Abstract : Majority of the diseases occurs due to decreased level of the endogenous antioxidants like SOD (Super oxide dismutase), GPX (Glutathione per oxidase) and CAT (catalyse). Therefore exogenous anti-oxidants like vitamin C and E, zinc, beta carotene etc. need to be incorporated. These anti-oxidants protect the cell from damage caused by free radicals and increase cell longevity. In Ayurvedaperspective such type of function may be attributed toMadhurarasa. Acharya Charaka mentioneda group (Skandha) of drugs basing on their rasa (taste). Also he stated that these drugsdo possess not only Madhurarasa, but also Madhuravipaka and Madhuraprabhava. Scientifically one of its Rasayana properties can be evaluated by anti-oxidant activity. The present review of Madhuraskandha drugs showed that majority of drugs do possess anti-oxidant activity

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Authors : Ajith Kumar T G1* & Lizzy Mathew2

Abstract : Helixanthera wallichiana (Schultes)Danser belonging to loranthaceae was studied for phytochemical and Pharmacognostical standards. The result of organoleptic studies revealed that it posses characteristic odour,coffee brown colour and slightly salty taste. The fluorescence analysis of the plant powderunder visible light and uv light by treatment with various chemical reagents showed different colour changes. The presence of various secondary metabolites like alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols and tannins etc. were confirmed in the ethanolic extract

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Title : Phytonutrient Profile and Applications of Selected Edible Foliages in Kashayams

Authors : Dr.Lalitha Ramaswamy* and  R.Abinaya **

Abstract : The term medicinal plants include various types of plants used in herbalism and some of these plants have medicinal activities. These medicinal plants are considered as a rich resource of ingredients which can be used in drug development and synthesis. Besides, these plants play a critical role in the development of human cultures around the whole world. Moreover, some plants are considered as important sources of nutrition and as a result of that these plants are recommended for their therapeutic values. Such plants include ginger, green tea, walnuts etc. Other plants and their derivatives are considered as important sources of active ingredients which are used in aspirin and toothpaste (Hassan, 2012).

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Title : Medicinal Plants: A Source Of Herbal Medicines To Treat Various Ailments

Authors : Dr. CH.Srinivasa Prasadacharyulu

Use of plants for treating various ailments is as old practice as man himself. Since ancient times, medicinal plants have been an excellent source of herbal medicine and to treat various ailments. Leaves, juice of leaves, paste of leaves, powder of leaves, stem, root, root powder,  bark, seeds, oil of seeds, seed powder, flowers, powder of dried flowers, fruits, fruit powder, and leaf decoction etc; are herbal medicines obtained from medicinal plants are benign to treat various ailments. Herbal medicines are natural and believed to be much safer in the treatment of various ailments.  Hence, the present research work provides information on medicinal plants: a source of herbal medicines to treat various ailments. A total of 26 species of medicinal plants with their herbal medicines belonging to 19 families were recorded at Rajendra Nagar, Guntakal, Ananatapuram (Dist), A.P., India. In the present work total numbers of herbal medicines 31 are reported to treat 23 ailments.

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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