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Impact Factor (2025): 8.254 ...... IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025

Title : “Antinociceptive and Anti-Inflammatory Activity of Tabebeuia Aurea Leaf Extracts”

Authors : P. Udaya Chandrika*, A. Srinivas Rao , M. Sri Rama Chandra , NVBLA. Baby Kambampati


Tabebeuia aurea (Bignoniaceae) is used in the treatment of bronchitis, grippes (viral diseases), anti-inflammatory agent and stem bark is used for treatment of cancer. The present study has is to evaluate antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activities of alcohol and aqueous extracts of Tabebeuia aurea leaves. Both extracts showed dose dependent activity. The antinociceptive activity was investigated using hot plate, acetic acid induced writhing and formalin induced paw licking methods. Anti-inflammatory activity was evaluated using carrageenan induced paw oedema method.  Alcohol extract (500 mg/kg) showed highest 76.92% inhibition of inflammation after 24 hrs. Both the extracts produced increased in latency time compared to vehicle but alcohol extract showed highest activity after 150 min in hot plate method (4.63 ± 0.08 sec) and inhibit nocipeptive response in both phase. Extracts also produced significant inhibition of writhing. The experimental data demonstrates that the alcohol leaf extract of Tabebeuia aurea  have excellent antinociceptive and anti-inflammatory activity.

Key-words: Tabebeuia aurea ; antinociceptive; anti-inflammatory; hot plate method, Acetic acid induced writhing, Formalin induced paw licking, carrageenan induced paw oedema.

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Title : Ayurvedic Line of Treatment of Allergic Rhinitis (VATAKAPHAJA PRATISHAYA)

Authors : 1Dr. Chawardol Seema G. 2Dr. Jain Sapan B


Allergic rhinitis is an allergic inflammation of the nasal membrane.  It occurs when an allergen such as pollen, dust or animal dander is inhaled by an individual with a sensitized immune system.  The characteristic symptoms of allergic rhinitis are rhinorrhea, itching, nasal congestion and obstruction.  The symptoms of vata- kaphaj pratishaya resembles most of allergic rhinitis.  In Ayurveda the concept of allergy is widely elaborted under the concept of Ama, concept of Asatmya & concept of viruddha aahara.

The term Ama means uncooked, unripe, undigested and immature material.  Ama of an type produced at any stage and in any Dhatu stimulates intrinsic factor which are responsible for allergic disorders.  Asatmya to an individual in the form of aahara and vihara when consumed may lead to an altered response in the body of that individual.  These manifestation in the form of altered response of the body towards that particular Asatmya substance are that of allergy.  Viruddha aahara means combination of two or more food material having antagonist properties which may lead to allergic response.

Allergic Rhinitis is well known for its recurrence & chronicity.  Recurrance of disease happens only when the vitiate dosha have not been eradicated completely.  This doshas reside in the body in their latent stage & when they come in contact with aggravating factors give rise to same disease again. Viewing to this concept the Ayurvedic line of treatment of Allergic Rhinitis includes, avoid allergens causing reaction (Nandan Parivarjan). Detoxification (Shodhan), Pacification (Shaman) & rejuvenation (Rasayana).

Key Words: Allergic Rhinitis, Ama, Asatmya, Viruddha aahara, pratishaya.


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Title : Development and Validation of HPTLC Method for Determination Of 6-Gingerol In Soft Gelatin Capsule Containing Ginger Oleoresin

Authors : Keshwar Unmesh*, Pimplapure Soumit, Dhurde Ss, Shrikhande Bk


A sensitive and reliable HPTLC method has been developed for quantitative estimation of 6-gingerol in the soft gelatin capsule containing Ginger oleoresin. Chromatography was performed on silica gel 60 F254 percolated TLC plate using n-hexane: ether (4.0: 6.0, v/v) as solvent system and densitometric determination was carried out by TLC scanner (CAMAG) at 254 nm in reflectance/absorbance mode. The Rf value of 6-gingerol was found to be 0.27 ± 0.01. Linearity was found to be in the concentration range of 200 ng to 1400 ng. The linear regression data for the calibration plots showed a good linear relationship with r2=0.997 for 6-gingerol. The accuracy of the method was checked by conducting recovery studies at three different levels, using the standard addition method. The average recovery of 6-gingerol was found to be 99.96%. The proposed HPTLC method provide a good resolution of 6-gingerol and can be used for quantification of 6-gingerol present in soft gelatin capsule. The method is rapid, simple and precise.

Key words: HPTLC, 6-gingerol, Soft gelatin capsule, Ginger oleoresin, Zingiber officinale.


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Authors : Dr. Dunghav Manisha G


In Ayurveda, Kala (Time) is considered as one among  the Karana dravya.Whole universe is in the influence of  kala(Time).As Ayurveda is the science which is meant  for wellness of human beings.

The word kala is used for time in general  as well as for proper time  and for a period as portion of time.  Kala (time) is one factor which plays an important role in cause of disease, to maintain health, prevention of disease and to treat the disease also.

Present study explains the importance of Kala in Ayurveda.


KEY WORDS: Time, Drug collection time, Ayurveda, Drug administration time, Time –basic principle of Ayurveda

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Crossref - DOI

DOI : 10.47191/ijahm

Impact Factor 2025: 8.254

2024: 8.003

2023: 7.734

2022: 6.704

2021: 6.643

2019: 5.692

2018: 5.485

2017: 4.965

2016: 4.415 


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