Shreevidya A K1, Anand Katti2
1 P G Scholar, Department of P G Studies in Dravyaguna, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru
2 Associate Professor, Department of Ayurveda Samhitha Siddhanta, Government Ayurveda Medical College, Bengaluru
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Ayurveda is basically life science which speaks about human life. But human is a social being, hence his life gets connected to other branches of science, hence ayurveda is connected to other sciences, for instance like mrigayurveda, vrikshayurveda, ashvayurveda etc. In the present times, ayurveda is reviving and regaining popularity due to the government support and stake holders. It is not enough if ayurveda alone flourish but its allied branches also must visibly grow.
Vrikshayurveda composes valuable information pertaining to nursery techniques which can be used in the development of nursery protocol and also enhances health and livelihood security of the communities involved as well as the health of the environment. To revive this branch of science, study of content of Vrikshayurveda becomes necessary, for which study of history of Vrikshayurveda is needed.This article is an effort made to compile history points pertaining to Vrikshayurveda.
KEY WORDS: Vrikshayurveda, history, ayurveda
- Vanaspati, Plants and plant life as in Indian treatises and traditions, by Girija- Prasanna Majumdar, published by the university of calcutta 1927, p 7.
- V Sharma , Ayurevda ka vaijnanika ithihasa , Chaukambha Orientalia, Varanasi p 43-47.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 2, p 11.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 6, p 43.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 6, p 40.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 6, p 44.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 2, p 13.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 3, p 19.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 3, p 21.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 5, p 29.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 5, p 31.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 8, p 77.
- Vrukshayurveda in Ancient India, Lallanji gopal,published by Sundeep prakashan 2000 , New delhi,Chapter 7, p 54.