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1Dr. Srivastava Manish , 2 Dr. Y.D. Bansal , 3 Dr. Kumar Neeraj , 4 Dr. Tegta Nitu
1P.G. Scholar, Deptt. of Swasthavritta, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Kangra, H.P
2Reader & H.O.D. Deptt. of Swasthavritta, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Kangra, H.P
3P.G. Scholar, Deptt. of Swasthavritta, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Kangra, H.P
4P.G. Scholar, Deptt. of Swasthavritta, Rajiv Gandhi Govt. Post Graduate Ayurvedic College, Paprola, Kangra, H.P
Background - Irregular dietary habits may affect our health at various levels. Students often show reluctance towards the breakfast. There is need to study that how and at what level this habit affects the health. The present study addresses the impact of skipping breakfast on mental health of the students. Objectives - The study was aimed to have a close look on the association between habit of skipping breakfast with depressed mood and tendency of anger among young students.
Material & Method - A survey was conducted in randomly selected sample of 598 young students selected from different government and private public schools. Students were asked the questions about their dietary habits, depressed mood and tendency of anger. The data collected and analysed for the study.
Result - In this study breakfast was found as the most irregular dietary habit among young students. On analysis it has been observed that those students who have habit of skipping breakfast show comparatively higher prevalance of irritative behavior and depressive thoughts.
Conclusion – The data of this study strongly support that taking breakfast daily is an essential component for promotion of mental wellness of the students. But still more researches and studies are needed to explain this fact on scientific ground.
Key words: Skipping breakfast, Depressed mood, Anger, Survey, Young students
1. United nation’s website-Youth definition 2013-1-23 PDF, Page no.-2, Available from:
2. http://www.un.org/esa/socdev/documents/youth/fact-sheets/youth-definition.pdf
3. Harold I. Kaplan, Benjamin J. Sadock, Synopsis of Psychiatry, Behavioral Sciences/Clinical Psychiatry, Eigth Edition, International Etudent Edition
4. Jaydeep Choudhury, Behavioral Problems in Children & Adolescents, First Edition, Jaypee Brothers Medical Publishers(P)Ltd, New Delhi
5. Ashakiran & Deepthi R, Journal of krishna institute of medical sciences university, July-December 2012, Vol.1 No.2 Available from - http://www.jkimsu.com/jkimsu-vol1no2/jkimsu-vol1no2-RA-1-7-15.pdf
6. Dr. Sapna Johnson,Mr. Ramakant Sahu, Ms. Poornima Saxena, Centre for Science and Environment, March 2012, Available from http://www.cseindia.org/userfiles/Nutritional_Analysis_Junk_Food.pdf