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*Vd. Bhawar V.S1 Vd. JadhavN.C2. ,. Vd. Yadahalli M.S.3
* 1. .M.D.[Agadtantra] , Asst. professor and H.O.D. AgadtantraDept, GuneAyurved College A. nagar. Maharashtra, India,E-mail;This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
2 . M.D.[Chkiitsa] ,Asst. professor, Kayachikitsa Dept. GuneAyurved College A. nagar. Maharashtra, , India
mail : This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
3. M.D.(Panchakarma),M. O.,This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..
Today’s life-style is the root cause of many diseases. We are crazy for fast food, cold drinks, travelling on bike .Due to this change in life-style , every class of society is prone to suffer from joint-pain . .In Ayurveda, there are many diseases in which Sandhishula, is cardinal symptom e.g. .Sandhiwata, Asthimajjagata vata, Amavata, Kroshtukshirsha, Vata-rakta. According to modern medicine also, the diagnosis may be Arthrities,-(OA or RA ) or Gout , joint pain is common symptom in all these diseases. Aims and Objects- The task of medicine is to preserve and restore health and to relieve suffering. Understanding pain is essential to both these goals. Because , pain is universally understood as a signal of disease. It is the most common symptom that pt .to a physician's attention. If we are able to treat “pain” we will certainly conquer one part of sadness. Efforts are made to overcome this joint –pain by all branches of medicine. For the same purpose, trial drug has been selected. It was our try to study this un explored herb. Oil is most balancing substance for vata. .Hence taila –kalpana was selected. Result- Ayurvedic abhyanga has many advantages ever any other oriental. it improves circulation in the body .Cleanse and open channels of circulation and elimination . It increases the secretion of hormons from skin.
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Bhavprakash By Shri. Bramhmashankar Misra and Rupalalji Vaidya,
2. .Astangahridaya-Sarvangasunderand Arunadutta commentary,collectedby Dr. Annakunta 4thedition1995Sutrasthan(2/8).
3 . SharangdharSamhita-Dr. Bramhanand Tripathi, ChoukhambaAcademy, Revised edition 2001.Madhyam-khand(-9/2.,13) .
4. Susrutsamhita edited by Ambikadutta Shastri,1996,-chikitsashthan(24/30).
5. Ref. from Wikipedia commons.