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IJAHM Latest Issue IJAHM have published its latest issue Vol. 15 Issue 01, Jan.-Feb. 2025 published IJAHM Call For Paper invites paper from various Ayurveda & herbal Medicine for Volume 15 Issue 01 Jan.-Feb..-2025 ...... Impact Factor (2025): 8.254

Pansare T.A.1,Thombare P. 2

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 1,2Botany Research Centre, Department of Botany, Maharashtra Mahavidyalaya, Nilanga. Dist. Latur (M.S.) India.

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In the current era people are much more health conscious and make sincere efforts to retain and promote their health status and Ayurveda, the Indian science of life brings natures own reward for rejuvenation and revitalization. Rasayana is a distinctive branch of Ayurveda which mainly deals with the conservation and promotion of fitness and longevity by revitalizing the metabolism and enhancing resistance against diseases. Inclusion of Rasayana herbs in the management of certain life-style disorders such as cancer, diabetes, hypertension, osteo-arthritis and obesity can play a crucial role. The lot of plants with Rasayana (Rejuvenative) properties possess diversified actions like immuno-enhancement, anti-oxidant, free-radical scavenging, adaptogenic or anti-stress, nutritive effects etc. These Rasayana herbs are mentioned in classical texts of Ayurveda mainly in various Nighantus (Ayurvedic Materia Medica). This ancient wisdom needs to be seen in the light of present day scientific information for effective application but we are still deficient in having quantitative records of Rasayana (Rejuvenative) plants which will serve as a ready reckoner for researchers as well as physicians. Thus it is necessary to assemble the quantitative scientific data from various Nighantus. This article aims to compile and quantify the Rejuvenative plants described in various Nighantus.


We know that health is wealth. In this hectic, over-busy and contaminated world, our natural health, pleasure and internal sense of well-being are masked by the accumulation of impurities. These impurities or toxins causes worsening of normal body functioning and the quality of life as well as lifespan get affected. Rasayana is as an answer to solve this problem and achieve healthful longevity including mental development and resistance against diseases. Living the healthy life is the prime motto of this current era. Conservation of immunity, physical and psychological health is the way to attain the normal life span. Ayurveda, the  'science of  life' deals with a preventive and curative measures for the well-being of creature.1 Ayurveda describes Rasayana herbs that are believed to re-establish and detoxify the body and mind, prevent degeneration and delay aging or rather reverse the aging process.  From the Rasayana treatment, one attains longevity, memory, intelligence, freedom from disorders, youthful age, excellence of lustre, complexion and voice, oratory, optimum strength of physique and sense organs, respectability and brilliance.2

The literally meaning of the word ‘Rasayana’ is the path that ‘Rasa’ takes (‘Rasa’: Fluid or plasma; Ayana: Path). According to Ayurveda the physical structure is composed of seven Dhatus starting from Rasa (Rasadi Dhatus) and Rasayana is the way to produce superior quality Dhatus (body tissues). The qualities of the ‘Rasadhatu’ have an effect on the health of other successesive Dhatus (tissues) of the body as these Dhatus develop sequentially and nourish further Dhatus. Hence the medicine that improves the quality of ‘Rasa’ should promote or strengthen the health of all tissues of the body. Rasayana herbs influence the fundamental aspect of the body viz. Dhatus, Agni and Srotasas and helps in the prevention of aging. Thus Rasayana is that process by which all the body tissues are nourished. The ideal quality that all Rasayana medicines have is the enrichment of Rasa (essence), leading in promotion of health and vigour of the tissues. As a result Rasayana helps in regeneration, revival and revitalization of Dhatus.     


1.  Trikamji Y, editor. Charaka Samhita with Ayurveda Dipika Commentary. Edn 7, Sutrasthana 30/26. Chowkhambha Sanskrit Sansthan, Varanasi, 2002, 187.

2.    Trikamji Y, editor. Charak Samhita, Chikitsasthanam 1/7-8, Chaukhambha Orientalia Varanasi, 1998, 3-4.

3.     Biren NS, Avinash SK. Pharmacognostic studies of the Lagenaria siceraria (Molina) Standley. Int J Pharm Technol Res 2010; 2: 121-124.

4.     Sharma PV, editor. Dhanvantari Nighantu. Edn 2. Chaukhambha Orientalia, Varanasi, 1998, Guduchyadi varga, 4, 16.

5.     Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 164, 46.

6.      Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 212, 55.

7.      Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 282, 68.

8.      Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 284, 68.

9.      Ibid. Shatapushpadi varga, 74, 83.

10.  Ibid. Karaviradi varga, 19, 124.

11.  Ibid. Karaviradi varga, 85,136.

12.  Ibid. Karaviradi varga, 88,137.

13.  Ibid. Karaviradi varga, 102,139.

14.  Ibid. Karaviradi varga, 133,145.

15.  Ibid. Aamradi varga, 43, 156.

16.  Pandit Ramprasad, editor. Madanpala Nighantu. Khemraj Shrikrishnadas, Shrivenketeshwar Press, 1990, Abhayadi varga, 22, 5.

17.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 39, 8.

18.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 52, 10.

19.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 62, 12.

20.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 86, 15.

21.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 169, 31.

22.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 174, 32.

23.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 178, 32.

24.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 180, 33.

25.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 187, 34.

26.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 219, 39.

27.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 235, 43.

28.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 238, 43.

29.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 249, 45.

30.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 250-251, 45.

31.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 256, 46.

32.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 261, 47.

33.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 269, 49.

34.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 277, 51.

35.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 286, 52.

36.  Ibid. Abhayadi varga, 291, 61.

37.  Ibid. Shunthyadi varga, 13, 66.

38.  Ibid. Karpuradi varga, 47, 85.

39.  Ibid. Karpuradi varga, 102, 95.

40.  Ibid. Vatadi varga, 25, 113.

41.  Ibid. Vatadi varga, 35, 114.

42.  Ibid. Vatadi varga, 55, 118.

43.  Ibid. Shaka varga, 76, 153.

44.  Ibid. Shaka varga, 84, 155.

45.  Ibid. Paniyadi varga, 158, 183.

46.  Tripathi I, editor. Raj Nighantu. Edn 3. Chowkhamba Krishnadas Academy, Varanasi, Guduchyadi varga, 13, 31.

47.  Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 47, 37.

48.  Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 55, 39.

49.  Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 63, 40.

50.  Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 108, 51.

51.  Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 111, 52.

52.  Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 141, 59.

53.  Ibid. Shatahavadi varga, 43, 69.

54.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 52, 71.

55.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 73, 75.

56.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 122, 85.

57.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 132, 87.

58.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 133, 87.

59.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 141, 89.

60.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 147, 91.

61.  Ibid. Shatahvadi varga, 165, 95.

62.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 21, 108.

63.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 49, 114.

64.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 61, 116.

65.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 70, 118.

66.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 76, 119.

67.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 80, 120.

68.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 99, 124.

69.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 113, 126.

70.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 122, 129.

71.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 124, 129.

72.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 136, 131.

73.  Ibid. Parpatadi varga, 142, 133.

74.  Ibid. Pippalyadi varga, 34, 140.

75.  Ibid. Pippalyadi varga, 47, 143.

76.  Ibid. Moolakadi varga, 33, 194.

77.  Ibid. Moolakadi varga, 50, 197.

78.  Ibid. Moolakadi varga, 88, 204.

79.  Ibid. Moolakadi varga, 109, 207.

80.  Ibid. Moolakadi varga, 117, 209.

81.  Ibid. Moolakadi varga, 120, 210.

82.  Ibid. Shalmalyadi varga, 13, 233.

83.  Ibid. Shalmalyadi varga, 46, 240.

84.  Ibid. Shalmalyadi varga, 124, 257.

85.  Ibid. Karaviradi varga, 71, 310.

86.  Ibid. Karaviradi varga, 181, 334.

87.  Ibid. Aamradi varga, 94, 358.

88.  Ibid. Aamradi varga, 158, 371.

89.  Ibid. Aamradi varga, 216, 384.

90.  Ibid. Chandanadi varga, 105, 416-417

91.  Ibid. Chandanadi varga, 147, 426.

92.  Ibid. Kshiradi varga, 114, 526.

93.  Ibid. Shalyadi varga, 87, 545.

94.  Sharma PV and Dr. Sharma Guruprasad, Editor. Kaiyadeva Nighantu. Edn 1. Chowkhamba Orientalia, Varanasi, 1979, Oshadhi varga, 10, 5.

95.  Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 33, 9.

96.  Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 46, 12.

97.  Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 100, 22.

98.  Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 224, 45.

99.  Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 454, 83.

100.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 706, 131.

101.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 710, 131.

102.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 722, 133.

103.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 773, 142.

104.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 814, 151.

105.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 911, 168.

106.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1046, 193.

107.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1057-1058, 195.

108.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1063, 196.

109.    109 Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1066-1067, 197.

110.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1167, 215.

111.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1221-1222, 225.

112.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1418, 262.

113.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1496, 622.

114.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1508, 624

115.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1575, 637.

116.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1578, 637.

117.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1583-1584, 638.

118.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1698-1699, 641.

119.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1606, 642.

120.    Ibid. Oshadhi varga, 1640, 648.

121.    Ibid. Tail varga, 326, 378.

122.    Gangasahay Pandey, editor. Chunekar KC, Commentator.  Bhavaprakasha Nighantu. Edn 10.                                                                                                                             Chowkhamba Bharti Academy, Varanasi, 1995, Haritakyadi varga, 20, 5.

123.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 39, 10.

124.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 54, 15.

125.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 207, 123. 

126.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 221-222, 131.

127.    Ibid. Karpuradi varga, 38-39, 204.

128.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 7-8, 269.

129.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 17, 277.

130.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 33, 285.

131.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 51, 295.

132.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 179, 386.

133.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 182, 387.

134.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 183, 389.

135.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 186, 392.

136.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 190, 393.

137.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 230, 419.

138.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 241, 429.

139.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 247, 438.

140.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 257, 445.

141.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 270, 454.

142.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 280, 461.

143.    Ibid. Pushpa varga, 56, 505.

144.    Ibid. Vatadi varga, 21, 524.

145.    Ibid. Vatadi varga, 55, 537.

146.    Ibid. Shak varga, 41, 676

147.    Ibid. Shak varga, 106, 699.

148.    Lala Shaligramji Vaishy, Editor. Shaligram Nighantu. Khemraj Srikrishnadas Publication, Mumbai,     2004, Karpuradi varga, 24-27.

149.    Ibid. Karpuradi varga, 62.

150.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 75-76.

151.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 81.

152.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 87.

153.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 88.

154.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 93.

155.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 94.

156.    Ibid. Haritakyadi varga, 115.

157.    Ibid. Ashtavarga, 162.

158.    Ibid. Ashtavarga, 169.

159.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 188-189.

160.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 197-198.

161.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 205.

162.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 212.

163.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 212.

164.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 214.

165.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 222.

166.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 247.

167.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 270.

168.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 280.

169.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 288.

170.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 289.

171.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 290.

172.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 291, 292.

173.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 292.

174.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 293.

175.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 307.

176.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 311.

177.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 311.

178.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 316.

179.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 321.

180.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 322.

181.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 326.

182.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 326.

183.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 330, 331.

184.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 333.

185.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 335.

186.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 336.

187.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 337.

188.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 337.

189.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 338.

190.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 340.

191.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 342, 343.

192.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 343.

193.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 346.

194.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 349.

195.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 352.

196.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 353.

197.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 361.

198.    Ibid. Guduchyadi varga, 361.

199.    Ibid. Pushpa varga, 377.

200.    Ibid. Pushpavarga, 382.

201.    Ibid. Pushpavarga, 401.

202.    Ibid. Phal varga, 454.

203.    Ibid. Phal varga, 458.

204.    Ibid. Vatadi varga, 504.

205.    Ibid. Vatadi varga, 512.

206.    Ibid. Vatadi varga, 516.

207.    Ibid. Vatadi varga, 518, 519.

208.    Ibid. Dhanya varga, 624.

209.    Ibid. Shak varga, 646.

210.    Ibid. Shak varga, 652.

211.    Ibid. Shak varga, 653.

212.    Ibid. Shak varga, 656.

213.    Ibid. Shak varga, 659.

214.    Ibid. Shak varga, 694.

215.    Ibid. Shak varga, 706, 707.

216.    Ibid. Shak varga, 709.

217.    Ibid. Shak varga, 710.

218.    Ibid. Tail varga, 778.

219.    Ibid. Tail varga, 780.

220.    Ibid. Arka varga, 799.

221.    Ibid. Uttarardha Parishishta Bhagh, 910.

222.    Ibid. Uttarardha Parishishta Bhagh, 916.

223.    Ibid. Uttarardha Parishishta Bhagh, 923.

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